16 year old looking for training plan

I'm 16 year old, 5'6 and weighing at 154lbs (with around 12-14% body fat looking to decrease it to atleast 8-10%). I used to go to the gym for atleast 3-4 times a week until a week ago due to problems having access to one.

I'm looking to lose a bit of fat, gain a bit of muscle and work on my overall fitness for rugby. Most of my fat are around the hip and stomach area and I'm looking to lose that too.

I have access to a swimming pool, a running field and a couple of dumbells.

My current plan is to jog/walk atleast 3-4km a day and swim the next day as my rest period. So that's 4 days of jogging/walking and 3 days of swimming. I do a bit of sit-ups and push-ups too but I don't think what I'm doing is enough. Any suggestions as to how I can improve my training plan? Oh and is drinking 3-4 glasses of milk a day too much or too fattening or is it just right?
For the 16 year old looking for workouts - I would recommend going to the crossfit website or fatalfitness website.
I began using crossfit several years ago when I got tired of lifting weights. I began using only the bodyweight workouts, but eventually moved back into the weights they prescribe. Either way, crossfit has a lot of information on training.
I don't use fatal fitness as much, but still check their website for bodyweight workouts as much as I can. Some of them are quite challenging.
I'm 38 and have been working out since I was 14. Crossift is the best workout routine I've come across.
Good luck.