16 year old looking for a good routine

I want to train my biceps, triceps, chest and legs. Maybe also some abs but i want something good to start with.
I don't want to go to the gym, just excersises i can do at home or outside. I want to do pullups, pushups, running, situps. All i want to know is how much i should start with per set and how many sets i should do! Thanks!!
^ You should also include bodyweight squat variations in your training.

For each exercise, start with a variation that allows you to do 5 reps with good form (doesn't matter if you can do MORE than that, just make sure you CAN get to 5). This might mean a standard push up, or it might mean a push up against the wall, for example. Train 3 days per week (eg M/W/F or T/Th/S). Try this on for size. It should start out easy, which is good, because it's more important that you learn correct technique up front than that you go all out. As you progress, it will get harder.

Week 1:
Squats 3x5
Wall Push Ups 3x5
Bodyweight Rows 3x5
Crunches 3x5 --> Reverse Crunches 3x5 --> Supermans 3x5/side

Week 2:
Squats 3x8
Knee Push Ups 3x5
Bodyweight Rows 3x8
Crunches 3x8 --> Reverse Crunches 3x8 --> Supermans 3x8/side

Week 3:
Squats 3x10
Push Ups 3x5
Bodyweight Rows 3x10
Crunches 3x10 --> Reverse Crunches 3x10 --> Supermans 3x10/side

Week 4:
Squats 3x12
Push Ups 3x8
Chin Ups 3x1 --> Bodyweight Rows 3x5
V Sit 3x15sec --> Crunches 3x10 --> Reverse Crunches 3x10 --> Supermans 3x10/side

Week 5:
Bulgarian Split Squats 1x10/side
Squats 3x15
Push Ups 3x10
Chin Ups 3x2 --> Bodyweight Rows 3x5
V Sits 3x30sec --> Crunches 3x10 --> Reverse Crunches 3x10 --> Supermans 3x10/side

Week 6:
Bulgarian Split Squats 2x15/side
Squats 3x20
Push Ups 3x15
Chin Ups 3x3 --> Bodyweight Rows 3x5
V Sits 3x60sec --> Crunches 3x10 --> Reverse Crunches 3x10 --> Supermans 3x10/side

Week 7:
Bulgarian Split Squats 2x20/side
Squats 3x25
Push Ups 3x20
Chin Ups 3x4 --> Bodyweight Rows 3x5
V Sits 3x60sec --> Crunches 3x12 --> Reverse Crunches 3x12 --> Supermans 3x12/side

From Week 8 onwards, change up the exercise selection and progression to:

Bulgarian Split Squats 3x20/side, increase by 1-2 reps/week
Pull Ups 3x1, increase by 1-2 reps/week
Burpees 3x8, increase by 1-2 reps/week
L Chin Ups 3x5, increase by 0-2 reps/week
Sit Ups 3x10, increase by 2-5 reps/week

From the beginning of your program, if you aren't an experienced runner, start out running 1km after each bodyweight workout. Progress as follows:

Week 1:
M: 1km
W: 1km
F: 1km

Week 2:
M: 1.25km
W: 1km
F: 1km

Week 3:
M: 1.25km
W: 1.25km
F: 1km

Week 4:
M: 1.25km
W: 1.25km
F: 1.25km

Week 5:
M: 1.5km
W: 1.25km
F: 1.25km

And so on.
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