prolific said:
I'm about 5'10, 150-160lbs.
I have no clue to how heavy my dumbbells should be. I'm about to purchase one and I need your help. I'm not a weakling at the same time not the strongest.
Please help me out here.
At 150-160 and 5'10, you have very little muscle mass and you need to build up a little for protecting joints and spinal region.
My reccomendation is the following:
1. You want adjustable dumbbells that let you add plates.
2. Start off with the bells weighing 5 lbs apiece.
3. Use a routine that has you do only a few movements.
4. Start out at doing roughly 1 set of 10 of each and working your way up.
The movements should be akin to clean and press movements, standing curl movements, squats, and presses. -Not saying the movements should BE these, but this will help to create a basic model for a proper program.
-And that is the point. You cannot take a wild stab in the dark with weights and expect magical development.
*** I recommend a complete program. ***
What I just suggested is merely a CONCEPT of a reasonable starting point. It is not intended to be a program, nor specific advice to lifting. Because you are starting out, you want to be safe rather than sorry, and a program will keep you safe.