15 yrs old/ Obese/ Need Tips

Right, this is quite embarrassing but this is the interwebz and I'm sure everyone here is probably nice. Ok so here is my situation, I am 15 years of age (I'll be 16 this November) and am very aware that i am obese (Or very over weight at the very least). I really want to loose weight as I am very conscious of how people treat you while your a fatty.

Because of this i am quite anti social and so don't have the courage to go out running, as i am afraid of running a few meters and collapsing :( . I have a beer belly mostly, and although i don't look huge, i do look quite over weight. I would like you guys to advise me as to how to lose weight and tone up.

My diet has recently converted to vegetarian due to the passing of my father ( I did it to show respect etc...) and i have started drinking more water. I need to know what kinds of exercises and such i can do at home in order to lose weight. I can purchase some equipment but nothing like a full gym set ( pardon my lack of knowledge)

In order for you guys to get a perspective of how big i am here is some info...

Height: 5 ft 10"
Weight: 209 lbs (fat not muscle obviously)
Waist size: 40" (although thats a little loose, there abouts none the less)
Diet: I eat mostly Indian(Hindu) stuff cooked by my mother, but if anybody has a diet plan that i can cook myself i'd be willing to try it.
Exercise: None existent... (Kinda why i need you people's help)

If this is in the wrong place i apologize, and thank you for any insight or help...
Running is the best exercise known to man. That and swimming.

You can do so much with just your body weight. I highly recommend getting a book on just using your body weight for exercises. Pull ups, situps, pushups, running, walking, and swimming.

You can read the stickies around here to get an idea of what to do.

As for running, the best way to build up the miles is to first run. Okay, maybe not that simple. You need to get a good pair of shoes, water pack (camel bak), a good running surface, and some loose, cool clothes. Afterwards, start by walking a little ways (fast and hard walking) and then running a little ways. Don't stress out about time or distance. Just run and walk for about 30 minutes every other day. Eventually you'll be able to run non-stop for one mile (about 3-4 weeks if you never ran before). After that, you can start building up the speed. Then you can start building up the miles. If your diet permits, you should be losing a ton of weight and even be packing on some lean tissue.

Best of luck.
A word of encouragement... don't hide at home. A lot of times, people are afraid that they won't fit in. It would help if you can find someone to partner up with. Perhaps a running companion who will encourage you all the way through. You can get one for free. I say go outside, find someone running, and say, "Hey, can I be your pal?" And sure something will work from there. Even more so, since you're 15, you have a golden time to join a sports. Check out some sports you like and start joining in on practice and talking with the coach. Best of all is that you can make new friends who will encourage you.

Besides, it's better to mix in and be outside then sit inside your house and stare at the wall. Once you become comfortable about yourself, you can do many thing physically and the weight will come off by itself.

Remember, you are young. Your body is in its best state right now. So don't stress out on diet. Just make an effor to eat less of junk food and more of whole meals. Just eat at least three meals, with the biggest meal being the first meal when you wake up (aka breakfast). If you eat home cooked meals, then good. Just don't eat fast food as often and make an effort to become aware of what and how much of something you're eating. Listen to your body and don't just sit there stuffing food down without thinking about it first. Make an effort to listen to your body while you eat and understand when enough is enough.
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You can do so much with just your body weight. I highly recommend getting a book on just using your body weight for exercises. Pull ups, situps, pushups, running, walking, and swimming.
I like the site alot. (Dont have money for weights(and why should i buy them if i can use my fat ass?)
Just do stuff, i quit the junk food andstarted walking and i have lost 7-9 pounds so far:cool:
Its all about how bad you want it....
Some links thiat i found handy

Hope it helps:biggrinsanta:

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Hey, man!

My deepest apologizes for the hard times you're passing. I can say that by doing a lot of Cardio, you will most definitely loose weight. Running is your best option right now! I have proof too! You'll see what I am talking about!

Good luck!:D
Yup thanks for all the replies guys. Since my post I've stopped eating and drinking junk (crisps, chocolates etc), and i went jogging at 5 in the morning. I'll go buy a jump rope and thanks to quite a lot of help from stingo i have devised a diet that I'll be following as best i can.

I took a few pictures of myself last night and will be taking more every week along with a diary of what my weight and such is. Hopefully I'll be able to see some improvements...

Thanks for all the replies so far guys :eek:
So how goes it?

Yup thanks for all the replies guys. Since my post I've stopped eating and drinking junk (crisps, chocolates etc), and i went jogging at 5 in the morning. I'll go buy a jump rope and thanks to quite a lot of help from stingo i have devised a diet that I'll be following as best i can.

I took a few pictures of myself last night and will be taking more every week along with a diary of what my weight and such is. Hopefully I'll be able to see some improvements...

Thanks for all the replies so far guys :eek:

How are the workouts going? Wanted to check up and see how things are developing.....
Quite good Gotfit. I joined my local gym and thanks to further help from this site have devised a full body weight training workout. I do cardio 5 times a week now, and this is mostly sprinting distances, jogging, swimming (as of yesterday), cycling and the elliptical machine. I have started to notice some muscle developing and am down to 189lbs. Not much of a loss but it's a start :) I started a journal here aswell

Thanks for asking :)
189?! That's 20lbs...pretty amazing if you ask me. I'm sure your body is looking great now. What's your goal weight?
Well to be fair it has been over 3 weeks since i started and i did technically start losing weight before i joined the site :p, and I'm not positive but I'm sure 20 lbs isn't that much considering i was put on a high (ish) cardio thing. I trained for two weeks straight as well with some guys at the gym who knew what they were doing and were able to help me.

I don't look that good, considering I'm only 5ft 10" and most of my weight seems to like being in my belly area. I kind of still have a big stomach but it doesn't hang like it did before, it's kind of in but still there....

My goal weight I'm not so sure really, I'll probably keep going until i think i look good. But i am also weight training, so my weight may stay around the same but hopefully with muscle. I have also gone of the extreme cardio course and slowed things down a little. I have to get a body checkout before i do anymore exercises, although I'm sure there isn't much (If anything wrong with me).
Quite good Gotfit. I joined my local gym and thanks to further help from this site have devised a full body weight training workout. I do cardio 5 times a week now, and this is mostly sprinting distances, jogging, swimming (as of yesterday), cycling and the elliptical machine. I have started to notice some muscle developing and am down to 189lbs. Not much of a loss but it's a start :) I started a journal here aswell

Thanks for asking :)

That's great! It sounds like you have really been working hard to improve both your diet and exercise regime. I did see your journal and it looks like you have been getting some good advice.

Don't under estimate the amount of progress you have been making! You are doing very well and should be proud of your achievement so far! Keep going! and Kudos!

wow congraulations to start off =], im 15 also and about 5' 10" and right now im 230 ( down 4 pounds) your weight loss is actually really good and I hope I can get down to below 200 =]
Hey Epididymis,

This forum was actually a really good push in the right direction. I got really good advice and was able to make some improvements not only in my health but in my life to. I also found some very good sites that I'll PM you so you can read up on some stuff. Just try hard and sweat and your weight loss will be awesome. Good Luck to you mate :)