15 years old help on running

Hiey, i'm 15 years old, 5,5 and 109 pounds. i run pertty much everyday 4 miles, followed by weight training and swimming (laps), i was able to run alot better during crosscountry, but during the holidays i stopped running for a bit, about a week and then when i went back i was still able to run the same distance but i was tired out and my time was a bit off. My fat percentage went a bit lower but my running got worse, can anybody tell me how should i start running so i can get back to my old habit?
There is no need to worry. Anytime you take a break from running, even if it is only a week, you are going to lose some of the endurance that you had gained. The American College of Sports Medicing says that even a very well conditioned athlete will lose experience up to a 10% decrease in their VO2 max if they stop their routine for only three weeks and that if they start up again they need to expect to work out for anywhere from 10 weeks to 8 months to get back to their pre-break levels of cardiovascular endurance. Since you break was for only a week, instead of three weeks, I would say to expect to run for about 2-3 weeks and by then you should get back to where you were. I am a runner myself and I know how frusterating it is to feel like your ability has declined due to taking time off. I just kept pushing myself and soon I got back to where I wanted to be.
Good Luck!