15 years old baseball workout

I'm 15, weighing in at about 148 and 5' 8".

I do:
-Side Shoulder Raise
-Front Shoulder Raise
-Pec Fly
-Chest Press
-Bicep Curls
-Tricep Pushdown
-Wrist Curls

Now, it seems like the Chest Press just uses my arms, specifically my biceps. Using this routine every other day, I've noticed how exhausted my biceps have become, while I feel like my chest isn't being used enough.

I'm waiting to do more leg workouts while I rehab a pulled groin, which I've had for about 3 weeks now, though I can play basketball to my fullest ability again.

Any suggestions to use less bicep and get more chest working?
Do you have a physical therapist that is managing your rehab? My sports medicine physician put me on the dreaded thigh abductor/adductor machine for super high reps. After 3 weeks, are you not able to return to leg workouts?

In the meantime, I'd google Joe Defranco's Westside for Skinny Bastards III and use either the 3 or 4 day template depending on basketball practice schedule.
To clarify, I'm not on my school's basketball team, I was simply playing it with the freshman team, and I was able to run and leap, normally.

As far as the rehabbing, I'm just taking Advil by discretion of my mom, and stretching it every once in a while.

I googled Joe Defranco, I think I'll start working out using that routine.
I'd look into trying one arm dumbell snatches. They can almost be related to the chest press in the way that you have to stabalize the weight. It's just a snatch motion with a single dumbell. You should be able to add about 10 pounds to your chest press as a general rule of thumb. You will really feel it.

If you need arm strength look into rotator cuff exercises. For your slowdown muscles a lat pulldown machine is great. Your really going to want to work your legs. You use your legs in hitting and throwing more than you'd think. Core also is very important.
Squats whcih you really should be doing. I don't deadlift a lot but I also do some olympic style lifting. I'm not sure if this is common for baseball though baseball is my main focus. I do a lot of clean and jerks. Power cleans should also do well, though all of that needs good form which takes time.

I don't use the machines a lot but I recentley pulled some muscles in my nonthrowing shoulder from from colliding with the shortstop on a steal, so I couldn't do much with my arms so I sat down on the leg machines and I thought I was pushing myself pretty good but I just don't feel it today. When I do squats and really rack up some weight I can feel that the next day almost always. Same with the clean and jerk's. The leg press is a good one but I don't know about the leg extention and curls. I heard they're target workouts anyways and probably would waste your time being at your age you probably don't have very strong leg muscles to that point.

Lunges with dumbells are always good ones.

Any recommendations for forearm exercises?

I think I'll abandon the leg curls and extensions in favor of squats. I've been doing those and the said workouts above and have gained about 7-8 pounds in 5 weeks.

I still feel like I'm not doing the best workouts I should be, but I'm not really sure who I should be listening to.