15 year old male weight loss


New member
Names Jason Age 15 220 Pounds 5'8 Its time to make a change. No messing around pure dedication open to tips and feel free to comment. Posting daily updates. Thanks
Hi Jason and welcome to the forum! If you´re planning to do daily updates I recommend starting a diary here: https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/ Can you tell us a bit about your current lifestyle? How you got to the weight you´re at and what you´re planning to do to change it? Assume you live with your parents: are they supportive and do you have influence on the kind/amount of food you´re eating? Do you have exercise options? Are you on lockdown and if you are does it mean you could start learning how to cook?
Best of luck with your plans,
I got to this weight due to emotional eating I wasnt always at this weight. I plan to limit my caloric intake and excerise efficieniently on a day to day basis. I play football in the fall which allows me to get a lot of excersise but my diet hasnt really been in check I resort to food in times of anxiety or boredom and I know it shouldnt be a coping mechanism for me. It probably started when my parents divorced and I realized I was gaining weight as I turned to food for comfort. My parents do not enable my unhealthy lifestyle and are kind and supportive and they always push me to make a change as they always prepare lunches for school for me that are healthy and creating dinners where major food groups are present and healthy. My mothers a a chef by trade so I can eat food thats healthy and flavorful all at once. Im also training in cuisine so I have a pretty good knowledge of cooking. My parents are both overweight but not morbidly obese. Im in a middle class family in a nice surburban neighbourhood. Ive tried losing weight in the past and ive had one successfull diet that let me lose 40 pounds. Last year in september I dropped from 220 to 180 utilizing the keto diet, I felt great and my confidence skyrocketed. I have a relitively attractive face but I know my weight is holding me back from receiving looks from girls. Ive had girlfriends in the past and im an outgoing person. But going to events such as parties or pool parties is leads to nervous sweats as I get extremely self concious in these situations. I dont want to presue a fad diet anymore as I realize it wont be sustainable for my entire life. I want to change my lifestyle and stay fit and not rely on crazy diets for drastic weight loss. Im prepared to cut out sugar and refined carbs as I want to lose weight faster. Ive had trouble losing weight as of late because I get so motivated the night before then day of I get hungry and calorie binge or eating 2 portions at dinner. Id say im a big eater and I appreciate all food but my calorie intake is so high due to the amount of food I eat. I also get nervous around food because I always feel theres not enough food for me and I know thats not normal behavior. I have no one to blame for my weight gain as I know its my own fault. Im ready to make change and Im open to meal ideas or tips. Im also looking for at home workouts I can do for fat burn I have no equipment so I need bodyweight excersises. If any of you have more questions feel free to ask im very open. Cheers
I´m very glad to hear you have the support you need at home and it´s great that you enjoy cooking! If you´re generally a big eater and feel anxious if the portions aren´t big enough or you tend to binge when you try to eat less it may be helpful to start your meals with a big bowl of veggie soup or a large salad (with a low-calorie dressing of course): something high-volume but low-calorie to start filling up on before you start on the main course.
Hey Jason, welcome!

You have already gotten some good advice, I will just try to add a bit to it, where I can.

First I will repeat what LaMa said:
That is the best way to get started here. You can tell us more about yourself, your goals, and what you are eating and doing on a daily basis there. It will help you, and it will help us better understand you and help where we can.

I am a whole lot older than you are, but I can clearly remember being in high school and being overweight. Your story is much like what I remember, being uncomfortable with myself, insecurity with girls, playing football, losing and gaining weight, I was there once too. The difference is you are wise to be doing something about this now, you have the chance to do what I did not. It took me many more years to get to where I am now, I want and hope better for you!

I am looking forward to following your progress!
After a good few days of attempting to lose weight I keep hitting a bump where all day I eat good and exercise then at the end of the day I crash and go into a caloric feast telling myself i'll try again tomorrow. Whenever I have that bump in the day It feels good to eat bad foods but I feel terrible afterwards feeling like I failed myself. I really don't know what to do at this point, i'm always motivated in the morning but fail that coming night I feel this continuous cycle is affecting my happiness and mental state but I know I can't give up hope. I will try again tomorrow and keep you guys updated. Cheers
Could you give us some examples of what you´d typically eat during the day? Maybe you´re undereating, either in calories or in nutrients, making it very hard to not binge later in the day. Boredom could play a role as well: while you´re doing something engrossing you´re way less likely to munch on high-calorie foods.
Today I ate a big bowl of oatmeal with frozen berries and chia seeds without sugar and a coffee with cream and sweetner then at lunch I ate an apple and a can of tuna mixed with mayo and pepper then later I binged on donuts.
Oatmeal with berries sounds delicious but you´re not getting a lot of protein (which generally helps with staying full) even with some chia seeds. A tablespoon of chia seeds is 7-8 g and chia seeds are around 17% protein (by weight) so 2 whole tablespoons of chia only give you around 2.5 g of protein.
Lunch is a lot better for protein but... Having tuna salad without veggies or carbs wouldn´t satisfy me at all. Assuming you´re having tuna in brine, not in oil, a 95 g can of tuna is only 70 or so calories (small differences for different brands). Add a tablespoon of mayo for 90-95 calories and a 150 g apple for 75 or so calories... That´s not a meal. I´d be prone to binging after that, despite the protein and healthy fats. If you´re eating tuna in oil (3-4 times as many calories) it looks a bit better on the calories but it still wouldn´t feel like a meal to me. You could add some toast, not to mention veggies for both nutrition and fullness. Or just veg if you want to keep things lower-carb. If it looks like a meal and you sit down to eat it like a meal your brain is more likely to be convinced you just had a meal and less likely to push you toward the kitchen again later.
For brekky I just made myself a potato chorizo and egg skillet with a little sour cream and salsa on top I had an average serving hoping it keeps me full:)
That sounds delicious! Should keep you full for good while. Do you cook with vegetables at all?
My man, if I had just one piece of advice to give you, it's this: The younger you are when you try to drop the weight, the easier it is, and the longer of a "good" life you'll have. I've known too many people (myself included) that miss out on so much because 1) their weight prevents them from doing certain things, and/or 2) their self-consciousness about their weight prevents them from living life. Please don't turn into that type of person because the time you miss...you never ever get that time back. I'm proud of you for being proactive.
Hi Jason,

Just checking in. How is it going?