15 Year Old Doubts Questions On Working Out

Hi! I am a 15 year old boy who is worried about his growth. I am 5.57 feet and weigh 118.6 pounds. Not very well developed (I'm just starting to get pit hair+stash) I am worried about my self appearance, as when i went to boys camp this summer a great number of boys my age where really fit. I own A Chin-up bar. Question 1: Should I use the chin up bar? or will this damage my growth, I'm really not sure, some people have said that if I use the bar I will not grow any more. Question 2: What is a good work-out routine to be in a good shape at my age without damaging my growth. Thanks a lot. I really apreciate your help.

No exercise, properly performed, will hinder your growth. In fact, a good exercise regimen will greatly aid in your development and growth. It is NOT true that exercise can stunt yuor growth. Excessive attempts to lift near maximum weights may damage the growth plates in your bones, but proper exercise will never stunt your growth. Bodyweight exercises like pullups and pushups are OK. If you use weights just use a weight you can do 12 reps with and you will be fine.
Just run, do press ups, chin-ups, unweighted squats, situps untill you develop some kind of fitness. Then start using weights. Im 14, in year 10 (9th grade) and Im 5.10 and ive been doing chin ups and pressups since I was 6. I've also being doing weights for the past two years, and I don't know where these people get this weight stunting crap from. Maybe there may be some damage to your growth plates if your 100lbs and trying to benchpress 200 on your first attempt, but other than that it's complete rubbish my friend. Good luck.
Lol chin up bar will never stop ur growth it actually can help ur growth. if u do it every day u even dont need to chin up, u need just to hold up in the air as long as u can and as many times u feel like. It propably help ur growth then stop it.