Height: 5'9'' or 5'10''
Weight:145 pounds
level of fitness: umm I'm in good shape. I guess I'm kind of small for my age and height. I played basketball all season ( october till now) so I'm in good cardio shape i guess.
Diet: right now i ate whatever i can get haha. I usually have cereal in the morning (vector, corn flakes, etc.) for lunch i usually have a sandwich of some sort or pizza, and for supper I have a home cooked meal consisting of vegetables like potatoes, carrots, green beans or turnip and meat such as roast beef, steak etc. I usually have cereal after school and/or after supper. I also drink a lottttttt of milk haha.
I'm trying to play in the varisty levels in both basketball and baseball.
My work out right now is: Day one: chest, biceps, triceps , day 3: back, shoulders and abs, day 5: chest, biceps, forarms and legs. I do 5-6 exercises for each muscle. Usually 3 sets of 10 reps of everything but legs (3 sets of 15-30 reps for legs)
Chest Exercises: flat bench press, incline bench press, flat dumbell press, incline dumbell press, and some machine called the pectorial fly I think? where you move your arms from your sides to in front of you.
Biceps standing bar curl, machine curl, standing dumbell curl, sitting down machine curl ( not sure what its called)
Triceps close grip bench press, dumbell kickbacks, french press, tricep down press
Back deadlifts, seated row, bent over row, straight back seated row
Shoulders military press, seated dumbell press, shoulder press, lever shoulder press
Abs ab rocker with knees up and together with weight on them, captains chair, machine crunch? ( cross your arms and press down)
legs leg press, leg curl, squat