15..Almost 16 year old Weight Lifter.

Hey guys,
Kinda new to this, been reading a lot of posts about weight lifters my age and been wondering. Before, I worked out everyday for around 30 minutes a day, right before I head out for bed. I'm got a machine that includes a pull down cord with handles for your arms, bench pressing, squats and the arm-butterfly thingie :p. I did that for about 6 months and I didn't really get the results I quite expected.

I've been planning to start again tonight but I was just thinking of ways to improve. I've been told that I should work out longer, or every 2nd night and stuff like that. I'm just wondering if you guys have any ideas. I can bench about 120lbs around..10 times. Do 140lbs on the pec master about 20 times and I have 20lbs dumbell weights that I do 50 times for each arm and then 20 for wrist curls.

I was just hoping someone could get me advice for a work out routine to get into shape for summer because I'm planning to take my brothers spot in offensive tackle for the high school football team. I'm 5'11 - 6'0 and weigh 170lbs. So i'd appreciate any help, anythings good. Thanks for your time.
- Mitch.
I don't have a lot of time to comment at the moment, but I want to mention that working out before bed will give you a less restful sleep - which you need if you want your muscles to grow faster. Morning is a much better time to workout.
Thanks, Fil.

I just always thought it would be good before bed because, "You muscles grow while you rest" and it tires me out. Thanks, man.
and if your not eating before you go to bed, you definatley wont see the results. and in the morning you have more testosterone (built up?), so its really a better time to work out.
Gamble said:
Hey guys,
Kinda new to this, been reading a lot of posts about weight lifters my age and been wondering. Before, I worked out everyday for around 30 minutes a day, right before I head out for bed. I'm got a machine that includes a pull down cord with handles for your arms, bench pressing, squats and the arm-butterfly thingie :p. I did that for about 6 months and I didn't really get the results I quite expected.

I've been planning to start again tonight but I was just thinking of ways to improve. I've been told that I should work out longer, or every 2nd night and stuff like that. I'm just wondering if you guys have any ideas. I can bench about 120lbs around..10 times. Do 140lbs on the pec master about 20 times and I have 20lbs dumbell weights that I do 50 times for each arm and then 20 for wrist curls.

I was just hoping someone could get me advice for a work out routine to get into shape for summer because I'm planning to take my brothers spot in offensive tackle for the high school football team. I'm 5'11 - 6'0 and weigh 170lbs. So i'd appreciate any help, anythings good. Thanks for your time.
- Mitch.

well if you have a bench, you can squat, deadlift, weighted lunges, shoulder press, incline, curl, and do skull crushers. and still use your dumbells for flys. lower your rep count, you need to be coming upon failure @ most 15 reps, especially for football!! if ur new to lifting work your core first(search forums). give you body enough sleep, recovery time, and protein and you should be on your way.. as for workingout before bed, try and find another time, and corples advice is great, if you can workout in the morning do it!
definatly protien, buy yourself a big bucket of whey protien at like costco (20 dollars for 6 pounds :) ) if you want to gain muscle then you should use a whey protien suppliment unless you are one of those people who eat 5-6 times a day and consume massive amounts of protien.

mreik was right to say not to do more then 15 reps, up to 6 reps is for strength, 6-12 reps is to grow mass, and higher then 12 reps is for muscular endurance, or so ive heard.
umm what else, make sure to get a whole body workout especialy if you are going to play football, try each muscle group once or twice a week depending on how hard you work out, running is good conditioning for football, uphills, dont run on days you work out legs because it is counter productive.

correct me if i'm wrong, because that would help me too

need any other advice my AIM name is cschuh17 :), not really an expert on football, i know some stuff about body building, and a bunch about tae kwon do conditioning if anyone has a question.
Also, if you're training for size, you want to do a lot more sets than the usual warmup, heavy, heavy, heavy, cooldown. The NSCA recommends doing 10 - 20 sets for muscle growth!

Core stability will also give you more powerful shoulder throws ;)
10-20 sets?, do you mean 10-20 sets per muscle group, or 10-20 sets per exercise......

ie. 15 sets or preacher curls, 15 sets of reverse grip EZ bar curls, and 15 sets of (enter bicept workout here) ________

or is it

5 sets preachers, 5 sets ez bar curls, 5 sets hammer curls
im 16 and i wasnt gettin any results.....i looked at the food i ate and i wasnt getting very much so i started using protein bars and started getting a bit more definition in my muscles
this may not be the case for you tho......