145 Pound 23 year old male with gut.


New member
Hey everyone. I am a relatively skinny guy, always been small my whole life. Anyway, recently I noticed I am getting a gut. I can suck it in pretty good, but started to notice that when I push it out I can look pregnant. Funny to the guys in the apartment but not to me.

See.. the thing is I think I have ate so crappy for the past two years.. that my metabolism (which was always fast) slowed down. I'm sure getting older didn't help. But being in college and eating fast food all the time, and eating pizza late at night before bed etc. Just not a good thing. So i recently started trying to eat healthy. And do cardio.

I am 5'7 and about 145 pounds. I am also fairly week for my age. I can only bench the bar + 25 on each side. So not even my weight.

Here is what I eat on a daily basis.

4 whole large eggs (2 with yolks, 2 without yolks) Scrambled, with no butter just spray on pan. Also usually eat 1 slice of wheat bread with 1 tablespoon of peanutbutter.

Snack: 1 banana, 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese.

Snack: 1 cup of salad with 1 tablespoon of italian light dressing.

Lunch: probably more salad/cottage cheese.

Drink a lot of water... bunch.

Dinner : Chicken Breast skinless grilled than 1 cup of broccoli and coliflower(sp)

But sometimes I'm still really hungry...

And plus I run 6 miles on the stairmaster (burning a rough estimate of anywhere between 550-600 calories.

I read that situps are worthless because they are a low intensity workout and if the goal is to burn fat than just forget situps and just run more.. so I do.

The thing that is worrying me, is that I do not believe I am eating enough. My calories are maybe 800 at best, and than I burn 600?... 200 calories per day? eek.

I think I have been living for far too long on a terrible diet and don't know if it is reversible? How am i gonna eat enough calories and still lose weight? I have to eat more calories to lose weight? doesn't make sense to me.

Please help I need advice bad. Also should I just be running or situps, and light reps on a whole body routine or what?

Is it ok for me to eat a tablespoon of mayo with 2 cans of tuna? or too much fat?

Please... I have black beans but everyone is like OH don't eat those if you want to lose weight bla bla.
I am thinking of changing my eating around a little bit and have calculated out everything except for fat, and protein. I'll add these in later. I did it all by hand so kinda a pain.

Breakfast: 4 eggs (2 yolk 2 no yolk) = 170+50= 220 calories.
Snack: 2 slices of wheat bread, 1 tablespoon peanutbutter 95+140 = 235 calories.
Snack: Light Salad with Italian dressing 30 + 40 = 70 calories
Snack: 10 baby carrots with veggie dip 35 + 120 = 155 calories.
Lunch: Two cans of tuna with 1 tablespoon of mayonaise 100+100+100 = 300 calories.
Snack: Banana 105 = 105 calories
Snack: Apple = 101 = 101 calories.
Snack: 1 cup cottage cheese = 200 calories.
Dinner: Boneless/skinless grilled Chicken Breast 5 oz + whole cup of Broccoli/Cauliflower 110 + 100 = 210 calories.

Total Calories = 1496

Carbs: 4 eggs .50x4 = 2
Snack: 2 wheat 1 spoon peanutbutter = 41
Snack: Light Salad with Italian dressing = 7
Snack: 10 carrots veggie dip= 11
Lunch: Two cans of tuna with 1 tbs of mayo = 8
Snack: Banana = 39
Snack: Apple = 26
Snack: 1 cup cottage = 10
Dinner: Chicken breast brocc/caul = 16

Total Carbs = 160 carbs

What do yall think?
23 yearold with a gut

You have an eating disorder you might want to see a doctor. Did you read your own post. You stated you might be eating to few calories around 800 you know as well as I do 800 calories is extremly low and is not even advisable You also wrote down what you eat everyday as well as the amount of calories each item contain and is it fatting from what I see the food your eating is weightloss food. I was diagnosed with anorexia a year and a half ago after knowing my kids would not have a mom if I continued with the way I was going I had to change I was 5'4 and 92 pounds So with the help of my husband and doctors as well as other people I found ways to eat better and slowly gained weight. Although your a man you sound like me and men have ed too it affects people of all ages and backgrouds. I went into cardic arrest because I had deprived my body of so MANY NUTRIENTS. I would advise you to get help as soon as you can because sooner or later your body will give out. If you are to embarressed talk to a close friend but go get help. People with eating disorders have the same tendencies.
You have an eating disorder
Wow. You must be a miracle doctor to be able to diagnose that from one post on a message board. I'm in awe!!!

Or, perhaps, the original poster - like many people - doesn't understand that "the lower the better" is not the best option for cutting calories. There are a lot of people who don't realize that it's possible to eat too few calories when dieting. That doesn't mean they have an eating disorder.

you know as well as I do 800 calories is extremly low and is not even advisable
Really? He knows this? And how do you know what he knows or doesn't? Are you aware that there are doctors out there who don't know enough about nutrition that they're telling their patients to eat under 1000 calories. If your doctor tells you that, most people are inclined to believe it. My huband's doctor told him to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight (he was 6'1" and 260 lbs).

I'm sorry for your eating issues and I'm glad you got treatment. But don't make the mistake of thinking everyone is just like you or everyone knows what you know.

Not understanding calories doesn't mean someone has an eating disorder ... and besides that no one should be diagnosing an eating disorder on a message board. Even a doctor should actually SEE a patient before making that kind of diagnosis.

Sweets I am saying it because I have been there so I can spot it my husband has 4 degrees and was a personal trainer I have a biology degree although I am not an expert I can spot out the same tendencies its really hard for someone who is overweight to understand. I am not 165 and I never have been 165 even while pregnant but I am talking from experince. right now I am 5'4 and 107 pounds. I know you might never have been this low and you cannot relate but until you have been under 100 pounds counting calories and working all the time to get smaller you wont understand. You had a problem because you where overweight and I was underweight and I understand obesity is a eating disorder to and I sympathize with you I do but until you have been under 100 pounds it difficult to understand. My bmi is 18.5 which is healthy and I my body fat is 20% I use to say I rather be underweight than overweight but both are bad. Now that I am slim and healthy and I look like a trophy wife I like to help people to achieve the same goal and good luck on getting to 135.
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And I would think going to school getting a PHD and a half and a million dollars in student loans doctors would know something I wonder what they teach them in school jeez not nutriton. But what do I know I am 107 pounds and a health food addict and almost seen death.
You had a problem because you where overweight and I was underweight please stick to what you know.
Considering that original poster is also overweight and just needs some help figuring out calories, I'll give you the same advice right back. Stick to what you know ... which is obviously not helping someone who is overweight and/or out of shape figure out how to eat healthily and manage their food.

my husband has 4 degrees and was a personal trainer
And you absorb his knowledge by osmosis? First I've ever heard of that happening. The fact that your husband has however many degrees has nothing to do with your knowledge or ability to diagnose serious medical conditions over the internet based on one single post.

Again, please refrain from making blanket medical diagnoses online. You're not remotely qualified, and certainly don't have enough information from one single post to even begin to support that kind of determination.

(PS - I wonder what they teach with those college degrees in Biology. Apparently not the use of punctuation?)
Ok, bringing this thread back to being productive.

@bwcraig - your height and weight combo put you at a reasonably healthy BMI. I think that you'd be better off working to reshape your body using exercise and a healthy amount of food, than dieting and eating too few calories.

Read this post in the exercise area: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/weig...ise/32836-conceptual-side-weight-lifting.html

Then try to put those concepts into practice while eating a balanced diet with lots of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs.
Considering that original poster is also overweight and just needs some help figuring out calories, I'll give you the same advice right back. Stick to what you know ... which is obviously not helping someone who is overweight and/or out of shape figure out how to eat healthily and manage their food.

And you absorb his knowledge by osmosis? First I've ever heard of that happening. The fact that your husband has however many degrees has nothing to do with your knowledge or ability to diagnose serious medical conditions over the internet based on one single post.

Again, please refrain from making blanket medical diagnoses online. You're not remotely qualified, and certainly don't have enough information from one single post to even begin to support that kind of determination.

(PS - I wonder what they teach with those college degrees in Biology. Apparently not the use of punctuation?)

Wow your right I am not qualified, but whatever [solicitation removed] I am in the best shape of my life. I can also give you some of my vegan ideas and oh its because of my biology classes I became vegan. Gooddd lucckk on your weightloss and stay focused you'll get there.
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Wow. You must be a miracle doctor to be able to diagnose that from one post on a message board. I'm in awe!!!

Or, perhaps, the original poster - like many people - doesn't understand that "the lower the better" is not the best option for cutting calories. There are a lot of people who don't realize that it's possible to eat too few calories when dieting. That doesn't mean they have an eating disorder.

Really? He knows this? And how do you know what he knows or doesn't? Are you aware that there are doctors out there who don't know enough about nutrition that they're telling their patients to eat under 1000 calories. If your doctor tells you that, most people are inclined to believe it. My huband's doctor told him to eat 1000 calories a day to lose weight (he was 6'1" and 260 lbs).

I'm sorry for your eating issues and I'm glad you got treatment. But don't make the mistake of thinking everyone is just like you or everyone knows what you know.

Not understanding calories doesn't mean someone has an eating disorder ... and besides that no one should be diagnosing an eating disorder on a message board. Even a doctor should actually SEE a patient before making that kind of diagnosis.

Appreciate that. I was about to be like... I know I don't have a eating disorder. My cousin was anorexic at age 11 and missed many a Christmas because she had that issue. Stayed in the hospital, etc. I do not have that. I am eating over 1000 calories a day though. I am a relatively skinny guy i can post a pic. I just for a long time ate junk, hotpockets, fast food, pizza, drank lots of soda. I'm sure if I cut back on a lot of that I can start sheddin some pounds. I probably only have 5-9 pounds to lose guys.
Hey Kara, I read that thread about BMR. Nice. Apparently I need to be eating 1900 calories or so because my intake should be 2600 or so. The thing is... I havn't been eating 2000+ calories for over 2 years maybe... when I did... I ate all junk food, hot pockets, fast food, crackers,chips.

If I want to reach 1900 calories a day. What types of food should I be eating?

Low fat cottage cheese seems like a great option, high protein, low fat, low calories. If I eat a lot of this is that ok?

Tuna with mayo (only 1 tablespoon) and using maybe 10 saltine crackers would that be ok?

Chicken breast with steamed broccoli is really good. I have been eating the crap out of that. Would two 5 oz chicken breasts be ok to consume daily? Maybe one at lunch one at dinner? WIth broccoli both times?

Carrots with a little vegetable dip.. it's not terrible right? As long as I don't consume more than a tablespoon?

Salads are fine (no fat dressings)

Bananas and apples? Maybe 2 bananas a day? spread out?

I know some of the stuff I listed isn't "The Best" but.. I do need to get fats and carbs into my diet because it is not good to completely cut them out. I figure I would be getting more than enough from mayo,peanut butter.

1 table spoon of peanut butter on two pieces of whole grain wheat bread? That ok? Maybe twice a day? or only once?

I've been trying to figure out, not only how many calories I need to intake. But how many "Complex carbs" and how many "good fats".

Are Poly and Mono fats good or terrible for you?

Just let me know if I continue eating this list of stuff daily and continue running 6 miles a day (avg 550-600 calories burned) and high reps with more sets (about 4 sets of 15 reps) on various equipment. Will I see a weight drop?

I really do not have that much to lose. I am not obese, I am just overweight and out of shape.

My BMI is good at 22 for a male age 23.
I don't know my body fat percentage because it's a pain in the rear trying to figure it out. Measure your arm, measure your bla bla. If there is an easier way let me know.

I really just have a gut... but what I'm worried about is, both my father and his father are skinny men with a gut. But than again they drank alcohal frequently (still do) and do not exercise and eat healthy.

I have a gut now at age 23... (which they did not have at my age, they got theirs in their 30's and 40's.)

If i do around 3 sets of 20 situps per day is that overworking the abs? I know crunches are not "the most" effective abdominal exercise, in fact should I just forget about working out my core of my stomache at the moment and just focus on more cardio? Since ab workouts tend to be low intensity anyway?

Thanks for the reply really appreciate it. I look forward to your response!
Im not an expert like some people here so take this for what its worth.

I would drop the mayo and use miracle whip light if I needed to with my tuna.
(I use olive oil and vinegar, or a bit of prepared pesto sauce, some people use lemon.)

Low fat or fat free cottage cheese is great. But moderation is the key. 100 grams for a snack, with some almonds or an apple...perfect.

Saltine crackers? Try rice cakes. Saltine crackers are approx 13 cals each plus ton of salt if you like salted tops. Rice cakes...approx 40 cals each.

Salad....chow down bud. Skies the limit. (no dressing or croutons etc)

Bananas are ok. Say they average 120 calories each...fit one in a day and your good to go. Two a day if you need to grab a quickie but one is a good...two wouldnt be better.

Peanut butter is ok....try to get natural unsweetened. If you can fit the whole wheat bread in, go for a slice or two but I would keep it to one slice.

Fats - Im not good with fats. So I'll keep it simple. If its white and gooby lookin...dont eat it or eat very little. Olive oil is a good fat, as are some fish oils. MOnos and polys are good, sat fat and transfats are bad.

Chicken breasts and broccoli. Chicken breasts are a staple in my diet. 2 a day if you can fit them in is ok. Dont cook em in bad oil and take the skin off. Thats my big protein contributor in my diet. Broccolli eat up boy. I love it. And its good for ya.

Carrots with dip - keep the dip low fat low cal and fit the number carrots in to your cal count. Nom Nom.

If you are working out hard, 3 xs a week with cardio in between....I would look at a macro 40/40/20. 40 % cals from protein, 40% cals from carbs and 20% cals from good fats.

If you have trouble getting your protein in....use a good whey protein supplement. About 140 cals per serving and your muscles will go to town on it after a workout.

As for situps or crunches...I would do crunches. If I was as worried as you about my gut, I would do as many as I could. I'm serious. I have moobs and they are my nemesis. Pec exercises/lat exercises....anything to tighten my chest upperbody is what I focus on at the gym. (But I dont ignore my whole workout in the meantime.

Add lots...lots....LOTS of water to that and you are good to go.

Again...Im relatively new at this .... so take it for what its worth.

Have fun! And good luck!
bwcraig - Just one thing, you seem to have the idea that there are "always good" and "always bad" foods. There really aren't. Since you don't really have much to lose, you don't have to worry so much about it. You know your calorie range now, so just try and stay within that range.

I commend you for wanting to eat healthier, that's great! But you just don't have to go so extreame. For example, you are having a salad with nice lettuce and a lot of yummy fresh veggies, that's a good healthy lunch. But you don't have to think that any and all dressings are off limits. If you have the calories left, feel free to drizzle one serving of your favorite dressing on there. It's really ok, just don't drown it! Veggie dip is the same. It's fine in moderation, just don't drink it like water. You really want some pizza? Sure, but just have one or two slices and a salad or some fruit instead of 6 slices like before. (ok, maybe you didn't eat 6 before, just an example) You see what I'm saying here.

I've lost weight at an average of 2 pounds a week for the last 3 1/2 months and I eat eggs (with the yolk), Jif peanut butter, full fat Miracle Whip, salad dressing (fat free), just in moderation. The bulk of your food should be lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish), whole grain breads and pastas, fruits, veggies, nuts and low fat dairy. But don't feel like you can never-ever add butter, dressing, dip, etc.

If you are very worried about fats, etc, you should sign up for a calorie tracking site like fitday.com or lifestrong.com. They both help to track calories and also things like fat, sodium, protein, sugar, etc. It's a quick and easy way to see where your food falls. And you are right on fats and carbs, you do need them, especially with all the exercise you do.