14 yo


My name is Sam, im 14 and 5 foot 7 i wiegh around 45 kilograms i think. And im damn sick of being the weak **** at my school. I still have friends and all but if the time comes to hit someone. It will be me. So i started trying to beef up a bit.

The problem is i dont have any clue on how to do it.

I have been just doing pushups and situps until i physically cant do anymore and then doing 3 kg on each arm until i cant do anymore.

Im probably doing this all wrong and im doing in my body

but thats why im coming here so i can ask for some advice, some tip's and general knowledge on how to gain more muscle.

I have just gained acces to a gym.

and any form of help would be greatly appreciated


My name is Sam, im 14 and 5 foot 7 i wiegh around 45 kilograms i think. And im damn sick of being the weak **** at my school. I still have friends and all but if the time comes to hit someone. It will be me. So i started trying to beef up a bit.

The problem is i dont have any clue on how to do it.

I have been just doing pushups and situps until i physically cant do anymore and then doing 3 kg on each arm until i cant do anymore.

Im probably doing this all wrong and im doing in my body

but thats why im coming here so i can ask for some advice, some tip's and general knowledge on how to gain more muscle.

I have just gained acces to a gym.

and any form of help would be greatly appreciated

Not trying to put you down, but that's awfully skinny for your height. Granted your body has plenty of growing to do, I understand why you want to bulk up :)

Having access to a gym will be a big help. Follow proper exercise techniques, eat a healthy diet, and stick to both! Do some searching on this site, there's plenty of useful information for you to take in.

and dont worry you can criticise me all you want.

i am very weak and skinny and used to being told that.:confused4:
what types of food should i eat?

things like pasta and spinach soup?

i really dont have a clue

i got told i should get fat and then turn it into muscle

sounds like a ridiculous idea

but my friend is extremely muscly but very skinny and scrawny.

i dont wanna be like that!
ok update.

i now weight 52 kilo's
and ive been going to the gym fairly often.

the thing is i hate the gym and it is a 30 minute bus ride there ontop of homeowrk and all that so yeah

what i have been doing instead is using our new pool :D and my grandpa's rowing maching.

I have been swimming 500 metres - 1000 metres everymorning and rowing for 20 minutes

and then doing light weights pushups and situps each night before i go to bed

any criticism or anything on this now?

i still do need help on my food.

i have been eating more meals then usually

like have more then 1 serving at lunch etc etc

