14 years old..skinny :X

Mmkay well I'm really new to the whole working out thing. I'm 14 years old, I believe about 6 foot? And I weigh at 120lbs.

First thing is, no matter what I eat, I still somehow stay at 120, even if I check my weight RIGHT AFTER having a Feast. :( I know that it will most likely be my eating habits. I'm not a healthy kid, I try to drink a lot of water, eat generic cereal brands (since my parents are having money problems at the moment.) I just want to gain more weight, because I am very skinny for my height and I often get called a "stick figure". ;//

Second, I really want to get a good upper body. Mainly on my arms and chest, and abs. I sadly have little to no muscle on my arms, or chest. I'm not overweight or anything..sooooo I have no problems with simple running and what not. :)

Uhm since I don't have any money for quite some time, I only have two 10 lbs dumbbells and two 25 lbs dumbbells. I honestly can't even pick up 25 lbs with one arm... And I my arms have trouble lifting 10 lbs after about 25-35 reps. If anybody has any help, PLEASE post here. I really want to get in good shape to look better than just being really skinny. :)
Weight training will help you put on some muscle, but only with a proper diet. What you need to do is figure out how many calories you burn each day. There are several nifty BMR calculators and equations you can find online that will help you do this. Next, you need to come up with a diet plan that will give you more than your expended calories for each day. For a slow bulk, probably your best bet to avoid putting on too much fat, you should shoot for 500 to 1000 extra calories per day.

The nutrition stickies here should give you some good info on the types of foods/protein supplements to eat. Calorie dense foods are your friends, but you also need to make sure what you eat is healthy and natural.

Good luck.
Yes, you are skinny. So what? My first advice is to be comfortable with your body type (that's not to say you can't improve it). But if you are tall and lean, you will always be tall and lean. It's a lot better then, say, being overweight. So be glad you have that.

Second, 25-35 reps is a lot. You should be doing about 8-10 reps, for 3-4 sets. But you don't have a lot of weights. Push-ups and pull-ups are good exercises to start. You could do pull-ups at the local play ground.

Third, you need to eat as your workout. It does cost a lot of money to eat healthy and eat a lot to gain weight. So I sympathize with you there. I'm not sure what your money situation is, but even if you could afford some whey powder and milk it would help you bulk up. This can be done relatively afford-ably if you buy whey on sale.
But if you are tall and lean, you will always be tall and lean. It's a lot better then, say, being overweight. So be glad you have that.

BS, I put on about 60lbs in under 2 years before, you don't stay skinny and lean if you put on weight and putting on weight is a simple matter of eating more than you burn
Okay - I was just trying to get OP to realize it's not so bad. Good for you for putting on 60 lbs; but it's still hard enough to do. I was trying to say his body will have a tendency to be lean - which is better then the opposite. But maybe I shouldn't have spoken in absolutes.
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I know it can be really hard to do weights and bulk up, i used to be the same, and i garuntee, when you first start people won notice, but one day if you keep up your weights and so on, somebody in school will notice, and trust me, it changes alot.
good luck buddy!