14 Year Old, Want to Get Fit

I posted a topic like this before, but didn't get much help. So I will repost here.

Well, I'm not really fat. Just a little meaty, I have a small set of man-boobs also, which I am completely embarrassed by, I would like to get rid of that. Summer is nearly here, and I hate wearing short sleeve shirts with them, because well, it shows. Unlike the big jackets in the winter.

I also have a lot of fat on my thighs and legs. I would like to get those to skinny size. That includes my butt too.

I want to go from that to that.

A workout schedule would be nice, along with some meal eatings.
Begin by weight training three days per week on a one on, one off, one on, one off, one on, two off schedule (M-W-F for example). Weight train for 30-60 minutes per session.

Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Triceps extensions
Upright Row
Lat Pulldowns
Seated Row
Biceps Curls
Leg Press
Leg Press
Leg Curls
*Abdominal Crunches

Initially Start out with 1-2 warm up sets per body part with about 8-10 reps. Then do one working set of 12-15 reps to volitional fatigue. After 2 to 3 weeks of the 12-15 rep range move to an 8-10 rep range. Try to increase the amount of reps completed with a certain weight until you can complete 12 reps with a weight you could only do 8-10 with origianally. Then increase weights by 5-10% and begin again.

*Abdominal crunches- perform 2-3 sets of 25 reps.

As for cardio choose a machine you prefer whether it be a bike, treadmill, or elliptical. 3-5 days per week do 20-60 minute sessions of low to moderate intensity 40-59% of max heart rate. Then after 2-3 weeks after your body has adapted increase the intensity from 60-85%.

Once you have established a good basis after about 6-8 weeks you may switch up the exercises being used and add more sets.
I'm going to be straight with you, I have no idea what half that post you made means.

And about the weight training, I'm not trying to gain muscle, I'm just trying to get skinny.
Hmm, i am not an expert, but this is my suggestion. Might be wrong but oh well.

Eat more proteins, drink more milk and do more cardio excerises
I'm going to be straight with you, I have no idea what half that post you made means.

And about the weight training, I'm not trying to gain muscle, I'm just trying to get skinny.

You need the weight training because otherwise you will lose muscle mass, when you work out, you lose both muscle and fat, mostly fat but also some muscle. You do light weight lifting so you don't lose the muscle, as well as it increase your metabolism to make you burn more fat even faster.
How long for the weight training? And about how many pounds, I have two 15ers.

For legs, what should I do for that, tredmill? If so, how long?
hey guy, the simple truth is this... increase your activity, decrease the amount of junk food. Have your mom or dad go walking with you..maybe even talk them into joining a gym with you. But the very first thing you need to do is talk it over with your parents. Tell them what you want and how you want to do it. Ask for their help, then make sure you consult with a doctor. There could be, I am not saying that there is, but there could be a medical problem. When I was your age, my thyroid was not keeping up with my body, and I got a case of the chunky butt. A trip to the doctor, and a simple diet and exercise plan and I felt and looked great! But just remember... Diet and exercise is something you have to stick with! It is hard, and sometimes you might think it is not worth it. But it is! especially when you are standing next to the most beautiful girl in the school...AND SHE IS YOUR DATE!! Good luck! and my GOD BLESS YOU!
Yeah join a gym and get a trainer to make a workout for u. mine was part of my membership which was 400 dollers for a year. I have tried many times threw my life to get fit by doing it at home but it never really worked. And not knowing what i was doing was making any difernece really made me just give up. I have just got a gym membership and workout 3/4 times a week. and yeah eat good food. But really soon as i went to the gym and had a trainer put somthing down for me and tell me whats right really makes u get into it alot more. Soon as i started to see the results i was hooked.
Walk, run, bike, do something active, and yes, consult your parents, and your doctor. If you are not yet comfortable with the weights, don't do them yet, but the reasons you have already been given are true, weight lifting will generally help to increase your metabolism. Of course, at your age you may or may not actually build a lot of muscle. Your main goal should be cardio... so take up something you really enjoy,

More suggestions include hiking, running, soccer, swimming, martial arts etc.

there is plenty to do, keep us posted
I'm going to be straight with you, I have no idea what half that post you made means.

And about the weight training, I'm not trying to gain muscle, I'm just trying to get skinny.

"Cardiovascular Endurance"

jump rope
continues sports such as: lacrosse, biking, basketball, soccer.

well...if you have any trees try climbing them....its not really a workout but its fun and it works the whole body...a few other enjoyable things that work about the same would be any form of martial arts, find a pool and get into a swim team, (or just do some laps) or even play some D.D.R.
Thirdly, i love women.