14 year old teen needs help

ok im a 14 year old teen and im a early bloomer so i hit puberty like 2 years ago.
anyways im a computer nerd, and ive never had much excercise, i can feel some muscles from puberty but not much. can anyone advise a workout plan for me, that will help me bulk up? i weight 110, am 5,6' feet tall, and im pretty skinny. ive decided to work out so can anyone give me a workout schedule that is good for me? i dont have much equipment except a treadmill and a couple light dumbells. my breakfast is mostly a bowl of cereal, lunch is average, and dinner is also average, but i dont eat much. so can anyone help me get bigger and possibly get muscles too? im tryin to get overall bigger, abs, triceps, biceps, calves, everything. like how many crunches, or push ups should i do, i need info like that
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There is a lot of nutrition advice in the nutrition section. Spend some time reading through those threads. As far as workouts, you're going to need more weight. But you can start with what you have by following some of Scrapper's routines