14 year old skinny teen looking to gain muscle

well im 14 121 pounds and 5'9
I would like to gain some muscles, i have tried doing push-ups and pull-ups for a couple months and i have had protein, but no results.

Anyway i would like a workoute for muscle gaining i can get gym acess and i sometimes run a mile in the morning but i can stop.
Push ups and pull ups will only do so much. Plus they only workout your upper body.

The thing about muscles is that they are smart than you think. You need to keep your muscles guessing so they work hard by performing new exercises each workout.

Simply doing push ups and pull ups only will begin to be ineffective.

Running on the same day as weight lifting is not the best idea. You want to keep those days separate. Run on one day, lift the next.

How much protein are you consuming? To gain muscle, you need to consume a lot of protein each day. Just drinking a protein shake won't be enough. Be sure to be eating meats and fish.
If you're naturally skinny, then you probably have a high metabolism, and I think that to add much muscle mass you would need to eat a lot of food, to overcome your metabolism, and also lift weights that are fairly difficult for you. For example, for a certian lift, try using a weight that you can only lift 8 times in a row, then take a break and repeat this twice.
Not sure about pull ups, though pushups are more about endurance than strength, being more muscular doesn't automaticaly make you better at pushups, and pushups will probably not add much muscle mass.
Basicaly, you should try lifting fairly heavy weights a few number of times, and make sure to eat a lot, especially since your skinny. (I am to...)
If you're not to serious and/or don't have acess to a lot of equiptment, you really just need a pair of dumbbells. You could try starting with a few basic exercises, you can find information about this online, though I would certianly recomend you not forget your legs.
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as your quite young then its important that you do not overcook it. I'm 15 and ove had some problems from overtraining both with weights and through internally caused injurys (like stress fractures).
Unfortunatly you do need to lift fairly heavy weights (relatively) which complicates things.
your already one step ahead of the game if your skinny.... I was like you a couple years ago and i hit the gym hard for a year a half and i ate way too much protein. right now i'm 5'4" and 135 lbs. and i have too much muscle to the point that its hurting me in the sports i play. so go at your own pace and work up to getting big and embrace the fact that your skinny
your already one step ahead of the game if your skinny.... I was like you a couple years ago and i hit the gym hard for a year a half and i ate way too much protein. right now i'm 5'4" and 135 lbs. and i have too much muscle to the point that its hurting me in the sports i play. so go at your own pace and work up to getting big and embrace the fact that your skinny

I don't think you can have too much muscle to where it hurts.. you're probably not stretching enough. If you don't stretch well over time you can lose flexibility and get sore.
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