14 Year Old ..help Wit Muscle

hey,im 14 years old..now im not the loser in school..neither do i have a problem wit getting girls :p...so this is mostly to be comftarble wit my self ..i do get the average skinny joke every now and then ..but i always got the comebacks =)..im 120p pound and 5'6 so accordin to my BMI..im average..but i really have a skinny physiche ..its mostly the joing in my bones pop out ..like wrist .my legs are very skinny ..my collar bone pop out a bit ..i do have abs if i flex ..and im not that weak compared to people in my school ..i wanna find a way to gain more muscle maybe go up 10-15 pounds ,diets ,i havent tried protein shakes but im about too..work out for legs..also im not very athletic ..im also pingeon toed ..but i do my best to hide it ..so it affects me doing sport or running .. thanks =)
well...have you just starting whight training or have you done it befor?
and since you siad your not vary athletic I seggest you get athletic befor you start weight Training.If your not vary active it could effect your health,and if your health is effected,everything in your on going life will be effected as well.noone is truely 100% Healthy but here on the Site we try our best becouse health effects almost everything in your life.

here are some examples if you were to continue to not be athletic and healthy:

1,you have problems staying away in the morning and at school.
2,your body will not produce as much mucle as hoped it would(trust me)
3,when older you will get lots more gray hiars on your head and might go bald
4,you will have problems remembering stuff important
5,it will effect your 5 sences

overall its really bad if you don't try being athletic and healthy.
don't let your pingeon toed feet get in your way of achieveing your goal.
take people in wheelchiars for example they have no use for their legs but that does not let them get in the way of playing basketball:)
Vinnie Paz? Of Jedi Mind fame? lol...

Read the stickies in the nutrition section and weightlifting section. If you want to do something about your condition it's best to become educated so you can form a strategy, correct?
Swimming is a great exercise for building strength but I don't think you can built a lot of muscle with it. Again like everyone else said or will say Read the Weight training 101 sticky in the forum and the nutrition part also.
Don't let your lazyness in the kitchen effect the gains in the gym.
Something like that. ha
ask your PE teachers at school, especially if they're coaches themselves they can give you heaps of tips and even help you out at the school gym a couple times
If you are 14 and a boy, your muscles doesn't go bigger yet. You can exercise
them, but them really goes bigger when you are about 16-17 year old. But that nice if you want make them : ) girls like it : ) but of course it's not sure you get all of the girls when you are bigger..

I hope you succeed with your intention! : )
If you are 14 and a boy, your muscles doesn't go bigger yet. You can exercise
them, but them really goes bigger when you are about 16-17 year old. But that nice if you want make them : ) girls like it : ) but of course it's not sure you get all of the girls when you are bigger..

I hope you succeed with your intention! : )

are you kidding?
are you kidding?

They're not.... your muscles will get bigger, but only once your body's growing slows down will you be able to focus on your muscles, this peak fo growing usually stops around 16 - 17!

Don't expect to have huge arms doing weights at 14! You can get a good physique, and good definition, but 24 inch arms are out of the books for now!
They're not.... your muscles will get bigger, but only once your body's growing slows down will you be able to focus on your muscles, this peak fo growing usually stops around 16 - 17!

Don't expect to have huge arms doing weights at 14! You can get a good physique, and good definition, but 24 inch arms are out of the books for now!

dude are you serious....there are way too many different things that factor in on someones ability to grow muscle and the way it will look on them for you to be able to say something that general and it be true... and second of all it depends more on when you hit puberty.... besides noone ever said anything about 24 inch arms...
i just checked in this..im planning to try swimming..thank you to every one =).. and i guess i have to get of the computer and get active..but its winted and very cold outside so i really dont know waht to do besides swimming ...and yes JEDI MIND TRICKS FOR LIFE =)!!...
wat it does its that since my feet are pointed inwards..when i rune they might hit each other..and i get tired quikly if i do the effort to push em out...
Well since your 14, im guessing your in middle school. In that case, you should try signing up for a Conditioning class if they're available where you go. I went to a competitive middle school in Washington that dominated all the district sports and had one crazy fitness freak of a athletics coach. Took his conditioning class all throughout my middle school years and BAM. got one hell of a physique in the end. by the end of 8th grade, i weighed 137 pounds, benched 205, and ran a 6:05 on the mile. Best choice I made in middle school by far :D so definately try signing up for one in your school if you can, it'll keep you on track of exercising since you gotta work for a grade, and you get fairly educated in lifting and running at a young age.
1. We're all happy you don't have any problems with the ladies... but no one here cares either.
2. You're only 14, and strength training at that young an age can cause some real problems if not done in honest moderation... problems such as joint deterioration and stunted growth.
3. If you're not involved in organized athletics, it's probably better at this stage to work out with cardio and strength train using your own body weight.