14 year old diet/workout open to suggestions/ comments

In a sec im just gunna type down my upper body workout, but first i wanna let you know my goals, weight, diet, exe.

Im 14 years old, 6'0". I weigh about 157, i have a slender build.
My goals are to build lean muscle, get a 6 pack within 6 weeks, and be able to add more weight to my workouts more often.

According to a calculator online, i need to intake about 3,500 calories a day. I run every morning about 3 miles no more tho. I am very healthy, stay away from even one cookie or one brownie when i get the chance. i dont thinkn im getting my 3,500 calories that i should be getting and i think this is why im not putting on the muscle gains i want, but im trying to build my appetite up. I take a multivitamin, vitamin c, glucosamine and chondroitent, fish oil, and acai berry.

Here's my current upper body workout:

7 reps of 125
5 reps of 130
3 reps of 135
1/2 reps of 140

Dumbell Fly
7 reps of 20 in ea hand
5 reps of 25 in ea hand
3 reps of 30
1/2 reps of 35

Dumbell Shoulder press
10 reps 25
7 reps of 30
5 reps 35
one set of 35 till fail

Skulls (interior,pullover,chest press,
10 of each with 40 pounds

Occasionally Rows
3/4 sets

After every workout i drink a protein shake and take 2/3 days of rest before next workout.

Every day or night i also do 35 reps of each of these exercises

reverse crunches
in/out/and ups/
leg scissors
6 inch leg lifts
and 60 second planks

i just added 5 pound ankle weights on each leg to help.

Remember, I want lean muscle mass, goal by my senior year to be a good 200 pounds? i know its a lot but im willing to work for it, working out and dieting isn't hard for me, i love to do it. Thanks everyone.
have you been seeing improvements with this workout because it seems good in my opinion for upper body though you are seriously neglecting your leg work. And a huge chest and arms with tiny legs just looks damn weird and the girls also think this ;)
Include some squats and lunges with weights, and these weights need to be heavy enough to only be able to do a max of 10 reps per set, but not so much that you injure yourself
Your workout looks great. Like the other guy said, hit your legs harder. Training your legs releases a large amount of growth hormones (more then any other muscle group) that is key for getting size and strength gains. I know guys including myself who started to train legs harder then ever and saw awesome gains through out the entire body even more then before training legs. Keep in mind that you are only 14 years old. Your growth plates have not fully closed yet and lifting heavy can hinder your bone growth.