14, 6'0, 220-230 Pounds, need to lose it. help!

NOTICE: I have a copy of this in the youth athlete thread, but i dont know where the right place to put it is. Im new, so, im going to put this here.

Age: 14
Sex: Male
Weight: 220-230 (Varies?)
Height: 6'0
BMI: 30.57
Goal weight: 165 (Or so says the BMI thing)
Equipment: Punching bag (Yes, thats it, except some weights put away in the garage)

I need help... I dont have the money to go to a trainer for i do not have a job. I have a punching bag, which i use often to relieve stress. Im now on summer break and i really need to lose weight before i start Highschool in September. My girlfriend says i look fine, but im overweight (read above, my profile). Does anybody know of any quick ways that i can lose weight? I cant do anything outside because i have pretty bad allergies to heated grass and weeds. Especally freshly cut grass. I have no problems with sore muscles or knuckles, i use karate sparring gloves for the bag.

Almost every day i walk to my girlfriends house after she gets out of school, (she went to a different school then me). Its a 15 minute walk.. But like i said, i have allergies so they act up even when i walk there, so, forget running. Asthma acts up too. I seem to be able to drop 5-10 pounds a week, then it just pops back up the next even if i dont change anything.. Ive even considdered surgery. But thats the easy way out. And i'd probably gain it back twice as fast. If i forget anything, ill add it here in an edit. Thank you!

Edit: aha! Eating habits! I usually eat around lunchtime and dinner time. I sleep in until about 12:00 (noon) or later because of a sleeping disorder. So i never can have breakfast. (My lunch is my breakfast) When i get thirsty i drink lots and lots of water, and my body is retaining it a little too much if that is possible. But im aways thirsty. Ive started to drink this diet cola stuff, 0 Calories... 0 Fat.. 20 MG Sodium.. All that fun stuff. Anyway, in the line of food, i eat whatever is put infront of me. Except onions, peppers, mushrooms... Texture things. :S. I do not eat chips or chocolate that often. The thing i eat the most for a snack is popcorn (i dont know if thats good?) And i tend to eat alot of small things between meals (white bread with butter)... But i just keep packin on the pounds and i really would like to lose it, and see people not make fun of me for once. Thanks, appreciate it

Note: My punching bag is a 75 Pound, black leather world series from everlast. It hangs from the ceiling in my basement (only problem is, its in a fairly small room with junk in it. 2-3 ft around it.) So i only have room to kick with my right leg.

Note 2: Apparently im also very flexible for my size
Not to be cruel but it sounds like a case of EED - excessive excuse disorder. Don't worry most people suffer from it to one degree or another. Your biggest problem to overcome may be your own view of yourself (maybe your reletives also). Your are only 14 so you do not know how your body type will end up. I can tell though by the disorders you speak of that you or someone is setting you up for a miserable life.

It will be up to you to empower yourself. Like the line from the movie The Waterboy "You can do it".
Have you considered sports in Highschool? Trust me, they make it go by so much faster and easier. From the sound of it, you sound like a big guy (6 feet at 14 yrs. old is huge). Think about football; in one to two years, you'll be in the shape of your life.
I agree with Tex no doubt. Sports can be intense on you depending on which sport, but in the end it is definitaley worth it.

You can also dig out those weights from the garage or do excercises without them (pushups, sit ups, squats, lunges, dips, and so on). You also need to stop making excuses for yourself. If you really wanted to lose weight, you would. I was the same way. I wake up late because of sleep problems (11:00-noon) and I'm the same way, but just because of that I don't let it stop me from eating healthy. Instead of popcorn try an apple sliced into pieces, or a banana. If you want to lose weight and have no means as you say because of allergies then you still have eating habits. I suggest you look into threads on this site in nutrition and recipies and so on. Believe me, I was eating junk but now I've realised that it is the most important part of weight loss. So look around the site and I guarentee that if you want to lose the weight, then you can.
You wake up at 12, but what time do you go to sleep. Eating doesnt have to be traditional, just make sure to eat around 5-8 times a day. Look into the healthy recipes section (muscle building meals) for some ideas, and read in the nutrition section. Diet is more important than anything.
My brother was a chubby kid growing up. He was 6' 1" at 13 - 14 yrs old. And as he turned 15, the weight just fell off. The same happened to his friends who where tall but chubby too. At 14, your body is still getting used to puberty no matter how early you started it.

In regards to gym equipment, until you can afford it there are alot of gymless training regimes out there (some real killers in this forum somewhere). There's no such thing as a quick fix to weight loss/muscle growth, it needs to be a lifestyle, but keep at it.