13 Year Old Needs Weight Loss Tips


New member
Hi guys im new to these forums :D,

Well I have been thinking and would really love to lose some weight at the moment im sitting at 160 lbs about 5"6 in height if I remember correctly I would like to enroll myself in a local gym as my local one allows people of my age as long as they are with an adult so my dad will help me with this. I dont know if 160 lbs is alot but im not that big being perfectly honest but I really just want to lose weight and look more attractive :D.I am willing to do weightlifting etc like an adult would include in their excercise routine as I am relatively good at that sort of thing now I am very serious about this and I am 100% dedicated to this so dedicated in fact that I want you guys to make me an excercise routine for about 2-3 hours of activity a day involving mostly gym and outdoor activity's like cycling and jogging however I would prefer to run on a tredmill this may seem like alot and yes I will have to balance my eating with this also so maybe you guys could help me out with that too. The information I have given may not be very clear or then again it may be but I just want to lose a good bit of weight, o yes I would also like to build up a good amount of muscle iv'e been reading and seen stuff about in order to keep muscle you have to put on weight :S?Anyway please try and help me get a diet and excercise routine that will help me lose weight relatively fast.

Thanks :D
Hi Ross. Welcome to the board.

One thing to keep in mind is that at 13, your body is still developing and growing and it's likely a lot of the padding on your body is going to disappear naturally over the next couple of years. I remember my brother was always a little chubby until he hit about 15 and then suddenly he became this skinny, long legged kid who was 6" taller than me. :)

That said, I think it's great that you want to learn to be healthy and in shape now - because now is a great time to get started in building habits that will stick with you your whole life.

First of all, diet is the most important part of keeping a healthy weight and being fit and in shape. You need to make sure - especially as a teenager - that you're eating enough food, and the right kind of food. It's crucial that you don't cut back too much on your calories because your body, bones, muscles, and organs are still developing. My advice to you would be to make sure you cut way back on junk food, fast food, sodas, sugar, things like that. Try to eat as much fresh food as you can. Lots of veggies and fruits, lean proteins, complex carbs (things like whole grain bread, oats, brown rice, etc.). Avoid things that have lots of chemicals, sugar, are deep fried, etc. And drink LOTS of water.

As for exercise, one of my favorite books to recommend is The New Rules of Lifting. You can get it at any bookstore for about $15 and it's got a TON of great information about the whole process of losing weight and building strength. There are descriptions of the various exercises they recommend and links to places online where you can go to see examples in video.

Hope that helps some and gives you a place to start. :)