13 min 2 mile

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to lower my running time to around a 13min 2 mile. i am currently running around a 12min mile and a half. i have tried running a mile and a half every day to get my time down but i am just burnt out of doing the same thing over and over
try group running if you can get others to run with you, it helps alot with motivation. you can do indian runs where you run in a line and the person at the back sprints up to the lead ans so on, mark out your run area so you can sprint 100 meters then run 200 meters then sprint 100 etc.

make sure your running area is marked out be the quarter or even to the eighth mile. each quarter mile should be about 1 min 40 secs.

make sure where you are running is even and flat, your time will vary greatly with hills.

find someone who can run a 13 min 2 mile and pace off of them, this also cuts down on wind resistance.
Running the same distance every day can be extremely boring as well as not leading to continual improvement and leading to long term overuse injuries. You need a variety of regimes to stimulate improvement as well as rest and recovery time. One rule of thumb is that you need to as least occasionally run double the distance that you are trying to reduce your time for. So in your case to improve your 2 mile time you need to run at least 4 miles in some sessions. Also maximum cardiovascular benefit requires sessions lasting at least 20 minutes. I would recommend maybe Monday and Wednesday running 20 minutes/3 miles/5km and Saturday running 40 minutes/6mi/10km. You could also replace one of the 20 minutes continuous poace days with a HIIT session (100m sprint/100 meter walk, repeat 8 times). I would also recommend running on a hilly course for training. Then a flat course will seem a lot easier when you run for time.