12 Weeks to Improve

Hey guys, I just had by birthday and I got some gym equipment, Two punching bags and a machine(I don't know its name) which connects to those bending risistance bars and can work out about every muscle with all the attachments.

Anyway, It's school break and I got 12 weeks till next year, I'd like to see noticeable improvement in muscle and size, weight etc by then. I'm bordering on 6 ft and I'm not actually sure what i weigh, estimating about 115 ish. But I do have a decent muscle structure(pecs and such)

Friends say I'm alot more solid than I look and I play football evry day at lunch, but I'd just like to actually LOOK solid.

Anyway I was just wonderin what I should work out, eat, how long i should work out, and any other stuff to see some improvement.

Thanks For The Help!
Wilsonn said:
Anyway I was just wonderin what I should work out, eat, how long i should work out, and any other stuff to see some improvement.
good food list


concentrate on the major movements: squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, chins dips. 45-60 minutes is plenty of time for a workout
That is a good list... thanks abear... Now I have something to send to the grocery store with my fiance when she goes shopping... lol
Do you get that too? "What do you want from the store?" - I don't frickin know! Now I gave her that food list and said, don't buy anything that's not on this.
mmm... NO. My wife buys what catches her eye, which is usually crappy junk food. But the alternative is that I go with - and I really don't enjoy shoppng.
yea, thats one of the best grocery lists i've seen. the author has a cookbook out that i want to buy. its out already but i hear she's redoing it and adding more stuff so i'm waiting for that.

you should eat 6 small meals a day and get your five fruit and veg and u should eat something like 40%carbs 30%protein and 30%fat well according to home economics books thats what an athlete should eat

to show proper definition you should do that thing where you work out youre upper body(arms shoulders pecs) then next day you exercise your core (back abs) then youre lower body (calves thighs lol y am i writing out the body parts) to get big bulky muscles you use heavy weights with not many reps or sets to get toned you do small weights plenty of reps and sets. i suggest cos u want big muscles u try find a weight that u can only do 8 reps on and then do three sets with no more than 30 secs to a minute rest in between.

lol thats all i know hope it helped

from becca