100% Whey or Whey/casein blend?

I read this study in an article by Berardi about the benefits of a whey/casein blend as opposed to a 100% whey supplementation.

Demling et al (2000) compared two groups on a 2100 to 2300kcal diet containing 143gP (26%), 286gC (52%), and 49gF (20%). Both groups weight trained for twelve weeks but received 75g of their daily protein intake from either a whey-based drink or a milk-protein isolate drink (80% casein, 20% whey). At the end of the study, the milk-protein isolate group lost more fat (15.4lbs vs. 9.2lbs), gained more lean mass (9lbs vs. 4.4lbs), and gained more upper and lower body strength than the whey group. It appears that milk protein isolate ingestion, when on a training program, may be a better way to enhance fat loss and muscle gain.

I'm thinking of switching to this since i am cutting, and this study shows there is a significant benenfit to the blend. Anyone tried both and seen benefits to either? Just looking for input and general opinions here
Sounds like an old study. Give a try though, let us know what happens.
its not the only study I've seen to support the fact that a blended protein is superior to straight whey. i only do straight whey post workout right now. my other shake/snack is ON pro-complex, a whey + egg albumen blend, soon to be replaced by Nitrean, a whey+casien blend.

I'll be sure to report any changes, good or bad, on the Nitrean
even though whey is quickly metabolized and easily used by the body repairing muscle tissue you must keep in mind that the body can only repair itself so fast. you body passes the protien before all of it can be used. casein coagulates like milk when it hits the stomach acid and provides a kind of time release for the protein. or you could just eat eggs, chicken breast and drink skim milk. probably the cheapest and most effective in my opinion. it's not bad to have some whey around the house in case you accidentally get a really empty stomach when your recovering and want to get some protein in your blood fast.