Sport 100% clean

Sport Fitness


I'm at a place in my nutrition and training that I feel I have to do something different to get some results. I have a good full body strength workout I'm doing 3 times a week. I'm spinning 2 times a week, I do a triathlon class 2 days a week that incorporates 2 of the disciplines plus core/pilates work each class and then I run or swim on my own on my other day or two. Its a heafty schedule and I'm training for triathlons this spring/summer which is why I do it at all. However, I have a body that is resistant to much. Even with all this activity and a 85-90% clean diet I am not seeing the results I want (less fat on my inner thighs/lower tummy, less weight overall) My body tends to put on muscle very well and I add muscle weight very easily. To be where I want I feel like I need to go 100% clean. That is a long intro to say if I go 100% clean- clean being defined as no sugar/refined carbs, healthy fats, lots of veggies, lean meat, no chemical drinks or artificial sweeteners (like diet or crystal light). Basically nothing with extra man-made ingredients like a cutting diet, does anyone think that will change my body the way I'm looking for if I keep up what I have going on? I feel like I'm in a holding pattern with my body and when I do eat closer to the 100% it does seem to respond. I've just never sustained it for a long enough period of time to see what really happens. For a long time I felt like 90% was "good enough" but lately it doesn't seem like it. Little "cheats" add up and I think its holding me back. does anyone have some thoughts on this?
I've seen it before, but I hate to say this... Maybe its in the genes? :/ Moreso is 100% even achieveable? I mean for a certain time frame I could see it, but the will power required to NEVER waiver... Yeah, I'll give ya props if you can do that.
Well going over you recent diet I think the problem is and as I have stated before is your lack of complex carbs, and lack calories in general when in comparison to your training.

If you never eat complex carbs on a regular basis and then have some cheats (which most cheats in general are usually carbs.) There is serious water retention and payback that occurs from this. The way your diet is compared to your training, your body just isn't getting enough of the right energy from the right places. This is why no carb diets don't work. No one can resist complex/starchy carbs forever as your body will force you to do so. It is not lack of will, it is a living need. You can not train like that with no good carb sources in your system. They don't have to be bad carbs, but you are training close to an athlete manner, you need to eat like one. You need complex carbs to lose fat, you just do.

This doesn't mean you haven't done amazing, you have. But now that you are really hitting the weights hard AND still doing the running, its just to much for your body to take. You are going to stall and not get the results you want.

I would still work on increasing the calories and increasing the carbs. In a gradual manner of course as to not induces excessive water/weight regain. But still my opinion on the issue.
But still my opinion on the issue.

Which I value, thanks leip. I think its been a catch 22. I've neglected complex carbs on the whole and then have those mini "cheats" thus not feeling worthy of eating any additional complex carbs...thus inducing more of the "cheats". If I eat better, more balanced then I am much more able to incorporate the good carbs and then not crave the bad ones. I'll try it. I was looking at my pics from when I did the metabolism repair and my 16 week pic was when I was eating 15-1600 cals and incorporating a lot of complex carbs. I was my leanest then.