1 week, hard work....NO LOSS GRRRRR


New member
its been a week of diet, excercise and gocal 1000. i have lost nothing! well its been more like ten days! that sux. im not a happy bunny.
I didn't lose as much as I thought I would the first 3 weeks but on week 4 I lost 3.6 pounds (just in that one week). Just be patient. The slower you lose it the easier it is to keep it off.
Take it with a grain of salt. Some weeks the scale will stay the same then bam!...you're down 5 pounds. You usually only lose a pound or 2 or 3 in a week and water fluctuations can be more than that. For example: when I eat Chinese food the next day I'm always 5 pounds heavier. Now no way did I gain 5 pounds of fat, it's all the sodium. It takes around 4-5 days and the scale comes back down to where it was or lower. Be patient, be consistent.
same situation here.
ur body's just adapted to ur current workout load.
what i'm doing is to workout everyday instead of everyother day...hope it works.:coolgleamA:
thanks guys! im 3 pounds heavier today!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHHH! i think its either water (like you said) or my scales are utter tripe! i stood on them and weighed myself, stood off then on again and within 3 seconds, i had put on 1/2 a stone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im feeling better for not drinking so much, but i just ate (sugar free) beans on toast for lunch (wholemeal brown toast). not content with half the tin, i just ate the whole lot. i felt like i really needed the energy from it!!!! id been out for 2 hours walking the dog. what can i do to just STOP myself from eating that extra bit! its sooooo annoying. ive tried all the motivational pictures and slogans around the place, doesnt work! oh and i had a bottle of wine last night and the night before cause my mums off work and we had a great day shopping, thought we would treat ourselves! whoops.......
You're viewing things far too much in the acute sense. Track the longer term trends as in, month to month. That's where problems are identified. Not in daily or even weekly fluctuations.
Im weighing differently every day on the scales, Monday i was 199lbs, yesterday 197lbs, who knows what today! Weight loss is all about patience, so take it slowly. I drink alot of water, and it keeps me snacking because my stomach is occupied!
Eh, take it easy on yourself. The body can play mind games as it adjusts to new habits. Just keep doing what you're doing and in time, you'll be amazed at what else the body can do for you! =)