thanks guys! im 3 pounds heavier today!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHHH! i think its either water (like you said) or my scales are utter tripe! i stood on them and weighed myself, stood off then on again and within 3 seconds, i had put on 1/2 a stone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im feeling better for not drinking so much, but i just ate (sugar free) beans on toast for lunch (wholemeal brown toast). not content with half the tin, i just ate the whole lot. i felt like i really needed the energy from it!!!! id been out for 2 hours walking the dog. what can i do to just STOP myself from eating that extra bit! its sooooo annoying. ive tried all the motivational pictures and slogans around the place, doesnt work! oh and i had a bottle of wine last night and the night before cause my mums off work and we had a great day shopping, thought we would treat ourselves! whoops.......