Weight-Loss 1 Month to prep for New Job Fitness Test



New member
Ok heres the deal. I got one month to get ready for this thing, and failure IS NOT AN OPTION.


21 YO Male
6' 2"
205 lbs.


I'm very out of shape, I haven't worked out in years. I smoke a pack of ciggs a day. But I quit as of today. I need to get my body fat down to around 18 percent. I am very dumb when it comes to nutrition and need a plan for me because I don't know how much everything values out to.

I did some calculator thing that said 2500 calories to maintain my current weight. But i want to drop to about 185. SO! How does 1500 calories sound. And alot alot alot of excercise. Please someone give me a head start on a daily diet. I don't care what it is, ill eat the same thing every day all month if i have to. Thanks alot guys!
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If a job fitness test is going to be a test of actual fitness - then you want to make sure you're maintaining muscle and eating enough...

What does the fitness test require?

WHat are you expected to do?

and how ais your body fat going to be measured?

Spend some time with the stickied threads in nutrition... you'll get a lot of good info
My last job "fitness" test was actually just an excuse to weigh people. If you were over 300 pounds you weren't allowed to crawl inside the space shuttle tanks because you would put too much pressure on them.

So like mal said, what exactly is your test?
the military requires fitness tests -- and the best way to prep for those is to just do what is a part of the test.. run, push ups, sit ups, pull ups..

and as a guy i work with says, who's in the reserves, now that the military is doing body fat tests (by way of measurements) figure out how to stand so that your neck is as large as possible :D