1.5 Mile Run

I Am 40 Years Old And I Am Preparing For A 1.5 Mile Run In About 4 - 5
Weeks, I Need To Knock About 3 Min Off Of My Time, I Am Currently Doing A 3 Min Run, 1 Min Walk, 3 Times A Week, Then Week 4, 4 Min Run, 1 Min Walk, Any Suggestions On Bettering My Time With Just A Few Weeks To Go
Do you have a heart rate monitor? If not you should get one. The method you use walk/run is widely popular and can become much more efficient with a monitor. Instead of time, you would run until your heart rate rises to the aerobic threshold, and then you would walk until it comes back down. This will give you the maximum amount time in your target zone instead of guessing with the minute method.
If you don't want to go that route, stay with what you are doing. Write out on a piece of paper what your goal distance and times are, then write out what you are currently doing. Split up your training evenly with the time you have for easy progress. For a 1.5 mile run your goal should be simply running 3 miles. Once you can run 3 miles your 1.5 mile time will peel away.
Make sure you do a warm up AND a cool down.

What are you training for? What is your 1.5 mile goal time?
1.5 mile run

I am trainig for the police academy and my target time is 13:30 or less, I do not have a heart monitor can you give some suggestions on what type to purchase and where are they available. Thanks