Weight-Loss 0 Calories? For real?



New member
I've been eating healthier for around 3 months. Now, I've been drinking primarily water (on occasion some alcohol or a fizzy drink, maybe twice a month) for the whole time.

I took a look at Diet Coke, and Coke Zero. They both claim to have 0 calories, but I'm still a bit skeptical. Is there anything in there that's unnecessary or harmful for me? Is there something I'm overlooking?

I ask because some flavored drinks in my diet would be a nice change, but not if it contains stupidly large amounts of caffeine, sodium or stuff like that.

This 0 calorie stuff also applies to flavored water e.t.c., anyone know what's the deal with 'em?
there was something on Good Morning America not too long about how if you drink diet drinks regularly, they can cause you to gain weight.... something to that extent, I'll look for it tomorrow and then post what I find.

Anyways, I quit drinking diet after that.
I believe lovelymachine is referring to the fact that your body loses the natural response sugar intake. Normally, eating something sweet tells your body that your consuming a large number of calories. Your body responds by triggering a sense of fulfillment. When you consume diet drinks, your body re-adapts into thinking that sweet does not mean high in calories. Hence, you can find it harder to track calories from sugar-derivative as your body does not respond to it as it should.

At least that's what I heard. I've been drinking diet Pepsi for many years, and I still managed to lose close to 60 pounds and counting.
they dont have 0 calories, but they have less than 5 which means they can count it as 0 or something akin to that :)
Either way it has very low amount of calories. I cant say its ever made me eat more than normal.
Well it is good to stop drinking Coke for whatever reason that is. I stop mainly because of the HFCS and Aspartame.
Everytime there's something good on the market, the media and others try and nitpick it to death...Diet coke and Diet pepsi are extremely low in calories (less than 5 calories) and won't make you fat. Only 2 things make you fat; Lack of self dicipline, and disease. I'm not suggesting making diet drinks your primary drink, but it doesn't hurt to drink it occasionally or with dinner etc.
well i don't know about the calories or anything... but water seems like a purer and safer and more natural option than a fizzy drink that has chemicals in it

I'm not much of a soda fan : )
yeah lets quote the news becuse we know the news never ever skew the facts eh.

Fact: you would have to drink over 370 cans of coke within an hour to have any sort of aspartamine to formaldehyde poisoning.

Fact: sweetened drinks dont cause overweight, they apparently MIGHT make your body think its having sugar and release enzymes or hormones etc yada, but it still wont make you fat. eating too much food makes you fat - thats something you control.

Fact: THEY arnt actually out to get you and kill you. Dont you guys ever read or watch ? or do you just blindly listen and follow what everyone else says?
I'm not necessarily asking if it'll make me gain weight, I'm sure it won't unless I'm drinking a superfluous amount of it. I'm just wondering if they were replacing the Sugar in it with something processed and potentially harmful.

I want to keep the hell away from processed foods from now on, but it's hard living in America. I primarily drink water, but as I said, it would be nice to be able to drink diet sodas from time to time without worrying about what's in it.
well then if you want to stay away from processed foods then all drinks other than water are processed.
heck they even process milk!
i also was on the coke zero kick for a few weeks, but have been drinking water like 6 bottles a day. I figured I could drink coke zero and have good taste with still 0 calories.

am i wrong or doesn't your body burn calories when you drink water (or other zero calorie drinks) because it has to heat them up when they enter your body?

either way coke zero isn't gonna screw up your diet, just have it as a treat, or do what I do and drink it with your alcohol to cut back on the calories of a rum and coke. :biggrinjester:

well then if you want to stay away from processed foods then all drinks other than water are processed.

The water most people drink is heavily processed.

Anyone else see the water filter commercials, showing the mountain stream with a voiceover saying "If you lived here, you wouldn't have to worry about what's in your water"? The little voice in my head always follows that with "...because you've already died of giardia."

My parents have well water, which is about as unprocessed as you can get. Unfiltered water from their well, allowed to sit for 30 minutes or so, will have a rainbow shimmer across the top due to trace petroleum contaminants. Nothing that would make it technically unsafe to drink (they've had it tested), but if they bottled it, they wouldn't get many buyers.

The opposite of processed is neither pure nor healthy.