Billy Blanks DVD????

I am trying to get back into shape by start running again and various simple excercises just like when I was in the Corps. I also got the Billy Blanks Boot Camp DVD's but have no instructions on how to use them. Does anyone know how to or in what order to use them? I basically am trying to tone back up and most importantly get my "being in shape"/stamina back. Not focusing to much on gaining mass. Already done that, lol!!! Thnx for the input....
I would suppose that, that's some kind of aerobic program where the guy does some move and you do it. Look at this as an example.
Thanks for the info, but I was going to start doing what you pretty much get at but my question was about the order of the dvd's. There is an Ab, Cardio, Basic and Ultimate dvd and am not sure when to work out with the other dvd's. My fiance had the dvd's forst and like a retard through away the instructions/meal plan
Some of the customer reviews on Amazon seem to mention specific workouts on different weeks so you might look those up.
I have a couple of Blank's DVDs they came in a two pack, Tae Bo Fat Blasting Cardio, and Tae Bo Ultimate Cardio Workout. I've toned up and have noticed some fat loss (especially on my legs and lower back), but non of my target areas (love handles) have really changed much, but that's probably my fault considering I'm not on a real diet or anything. I'm still considering getting the Boot Camp DVD with the meal plan, but with my work schedule, I'm not sure if I can keep the meal plan up.
What kind of order did you use the dvd's in? Every other day with breaks in between and alternate the videos or how did you do it? thnx
What kind of order did you use the dvd's in? Every other day with breaks in between and alternate the videos or how did you do it? thnx
Like I said, I don't have the Boot Camp DVDs yet, I just have Ultimate Cardio/Fat Blasting. I basically do those randomly, I just try to switch up on a regular basis.
These are good DVDS

I actually have these dvds and when you ordered them they should have came with some bands to use...if not then you can still g et a workout without them. You can buy some bands of your own or use light hand weights. I use them when I dont have time to go to the gym. So I would have to say you have purchased the best of his dvds...even though I havent seen his latest ones. So if you dont have the bands you can just do the workouts without them and eventually get them. I hope this is what you were asking for.