Chest fat

I seem to store alot of chest fat for some reason, I am a male, and I am concerned it may be a inbalance of hormones, if it isnt, what kind of workout regime do you recommend?
I'm not aware of any endocrine related disorder thats only symptom is a greater degree of chest subcutaneous fat accumulation...

You can not spot reduce. You can not do any exercise to locally reduce weight in a target area. Your fat distribution is near entirely determined by genetics.
There are only two options in this case; (a)Start expending more calories than your taking in on a annual basis. (b)Go for liposuction.
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I seem to store alot of chest fat for some reason, I am a male, and I am concerned it may be a inbalance of hormones, if it isnt, what kind of workout regime do you recommend?

Sounds like gyno to me. Probably a case of gyno, with fat covering it.

OP: Do you feel a rubbery lump behind your nipples?
I know a doctor who specifically helps over-weight people who are having trouble losing weight. One of his first questions and examinations is the chest-fat. When I asked what it's indicative of, he said a hormonal imbalance. The solution involves some sort of hormonal cream applied to the shoulders 2x per day. I don't have any other details about it, sorry.

The one thing I'll add is that my other doctor friend told me he doesn't like or suggest using this cream...he says when you take hormones it can cause other things to happen, perhaps a tumor that is dormant might respond by growing. Tough call.

Either way, if you're heavy, I'd suggest losing fat/weight the old-fashioned way and if you get down to the low teens of body-fat% and you still have an issue, then pursue it further....but try dieting first and other stuff as a last resort.
Yea, its most likely a case of Gyno

You can try lowering BF as much as you can to minimize the visibility, but the tissue will always be there until you get surgery to remove it.

I've also read about people taking anti-estrogen medication to lower estrogen levels to try and get rid of it, not sure if thats effective.
how much would surgery run me and do you recommend it?