Haven't noticed any changes

I've been bulking for around 4-5 months now and gained about 22lbs, but I haven't noticed any muscles getting bigger. Is it because I'm not getting enough protein or something else?
well, are you getting fat? if you have not gained noticable fat after adding 20lbs to your frame, then you're just not seeing the muscle.

this is why photographs are important. noticing a change over 4 months is hard. comparing before and after photos taken 4 months apart makes it easy to see change.
that or do a 'photo a day' project and then time lapse it into a video.

body fat tests also help you gauge how much weight gain is fat vs. muscle. its hard to bulk without adding some fat, but you can definitely maximize muscle gain while limiting fat gain to a reasonable amount.
I've been bulking for around 4-5 months now and gained about 22lbs, but I haven't noticed any muscles getting bigger. Is it because I'm not getting enough protein or something else?

I agree with our esteemed mod's comments.

Muscle mass, pound for pound, is smaller in mass than the same pound for pound of fat tissue mass. Therefore, it is possible the fat tissue growth was larger than your muscle mass gains and this is covering your muscle gains. However, I would think you would feel bigger in your shirts, pants, etc.

Its difficult for me to fathom that you cannot tell difference of 22 pounds on your frame whether you had taken pictures at the beginning or not. 22 pounds in 4 to 5 months is alot of weight.

What has your diet and training currently like? What are your goals?


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I'll also add that you are your own worst critic. Most people who are training hard tend to have a 'glass is half full' mentality about their body appearance.

you're personal image is skewed by your mind working slightly against you.
I did take some pictures my body looks the same except my stomachs a tiny bit bigger. Also, my bench increased about 35lbs and some of my others increased 15-25. I eat around 160g of protein everyday maybe thats the problem? But still even if it was there should be atleast some other changes.
I did take some pictures my body looks the same except my stomachs a tiny bit bigger. Also, my bench increased about 35lbs and some of my others increased 15-25. I eat around 160g of protein everyday maybe thats the problem? But still even if it was there should be atleast some other changes.

Since your lifts went up, and your eating in a surplus, you probably did gain muscle it's just hard to see since it's still covered with fat.

Post up your after/before pictures and we'll let you know.
As long as your lifts are going up, and you eat in a surplus, you will gain muscle.
I did take some pictures my body looks the same except my stomachs a tiny bit bigger. Also, my bench increased about 35lbs and some of my others increased 15-25. I eat around 160g of protein everyday maybe thats the problem? But still even if it was there should be atleast some other changes.

What obviously missing in this post and other discussions, is your personal calorie intake during the past 4 to 5 months. What was your MT Line during this period? Do you have this data? If it is present, this could be critical data to use for additional growth and development through making changes and tweaks due to you not liking the results or not getting the results you expected. THUS THE POWER of tracking calories and corresponding workout patterns.
