My first post here!
I need some guidance . . . and I'm hoping you may be able to help!
I am 65 years old. Height: 6'1". I had a stent implanted (widow-maker heart artery) in March. Back then I weighed 265lbs and did not exercise. I was told to walk at least 40-45 minutes/day and to avoid fats, etc. I started out doing just that. Soon I started to do "shuffle-jogging" for 10 seconds or so and the continue walking -- interval exercise of sorts. I was losing weight! In a few weeks I was able to actually jog for 45-60 seconds, then I was actually sprinting and feeling better. My recovery periods were long but I just kept at it. Eventually I was able to exercise for about one hour, 10 minutes -- broken into two parts with a 3 minute rest between. My weight went down to 195lbs! Super! Absolutely no discomfort or anything related to the heart. My LDL & triglycerides have decreased significantly and HDL has increased; my doctor said it was the exercise more than my diet and likes what am doing. Keep on, keeping on!
In my interval routine I based it on my max heart rate (220-65=155) and set a min of 110; max of 132. Believe me, running-sprinting to get to 132 was difficult. In a few weeks I discovered that running to get the heart rate to max was not very challenging. I was running as fast as I could (without falling flat on my face)! So, I added 5 lbs ankle weights and this did the trick by increasing the resistance.
But, I noticed that my weight loss was becoming slower as I crossed over the 200lb line. My diet has been mostly 95% veggies, low GI carbs, some turkey, chicken, etc. Of course, my exercise is intended to improve cardio conditioning and weight loss is a nice secondary benefit. I decided to switch to HIIT after reading about its benefits ("afterburn").
I have done this for 5 weeks: I do 10-12 intervals within 20-25 minutes (includes 2 warm-up intervals). I do this in the morning before breakfast. During this time I have been able to move my max heart rate from 132 to 148+. The first several intervals consists of sprinting as fast as I am able to increase the heart rate quickly to 140-145 zone with rest periods determined by heart rate, min 112-115. The last 4-5 intervals I try to push the heart rate to 147-150. In the later intervals I am able to get to the max heart rate faster than earlier intervals; recovery is a bit longer but I don't let the rest period heart rate get below 115.
Other: I do push-ups and ab-crunchs plus do bicep work with 25 lb hand weights. I do this every other day in the evenings for about 30 minutes.
Each time I sprint I let it all hang out and go as long as I physically can as fast as I am able. I mean it's all I can do. Afterwards, the rapid deep breaths just suck in the oxygen. I am left breathing very heavily (I work on taking deep breaths) for 10-15 seconds. By the time I finish the HIIT exercise routine, I am totally drained, wiped out. After cool-down I feel great! I do this daily (mornings) with Saturdays a rest day.
Now my question: why is my weight remaining at the 193-195 lb level? It has been at this level for 4-5 weeks. I'd like to lose 10-15 lbs more but it's not happening. When I first started HIIT I noticed that I noticed that -- to my amazement -- hunger increased; I seldom had hunger pangs with the longer hour exercise. In any case, my diet remained the same: lots of veggies (noon & evening meals) with some fish, turkey, chicken, in at least one meal per day.
I am fairly confident that I am doing HIIT correctly. I give all I can in each interval to achieve max heart rate; there is nothing left. It's VERY intense (for me).
Could this be helped by an increase in protein? I have been looking at purchasing a no-fat, no-carb protein powder (Dymatize ISO 100) with the idea of having a protein drink at breakfast to supplement my normal protein intake. Or am I completely off base?
Other than that, I feel great.
My first post here!
I need some guidance . . . and I'm hoping you may be able to help!
I am 65 years old. Height: 6'1". I had a stent implanted (widow-maker heart artery) in March. Back then I weighed 265lbs and did not exercise. I was told to walk at least 40-45 minutes/day and to avoid fats, etc. I started out doing just that. Soon I started to do "shuffle-jogging" for 10 seconds or so and the continue walking -- interval exercise of sorts. I was losing weight! In a few weeks I was able to actually jog for 45-60 seconds, then I was actually sprinting and feeling better. My recovery periods were long but I just kept at it. Eventually I was able to exercise for about one hour, 10 minutes -- broken into two parts with a 3 minute rest between. My weight went down to 195lbs! Super! Absolutely no discomfort or anything related to the heart. My LDL & triglycerides have decreased significantly and HDL has increased; my doctor said it was the exercise more than my diet and likes what am doing. Keep on, keeping on!
In my interval routine I based it on my max heart rate (220-65=155) and set a min of 110; max of 132. Believe me, running-sprinting to get to 132 was difficult. In a few weeks I discovered that running to get the heart rate to max was not very challenging. I was running as fast as I could (without falling flat on my face)! So, I added 5 lbs ankle weights and this did the trick by increasing the resistance.
But, I noticed that my weight loss was becoming slower as I crossed over the 200lb line. My diet has been mostly 95% veggies, low GI carbs, some turkey, chicken, etc. Of course, my exercise is intended to improve cardio conditioning and weight loss is a nice secondary benefit. I decided to switch to HIIT after reading about its benefits ("afterburn").
I have done this for 5 weeks: I do 10-12 intervals within 20-25 minutes (includes 2 warm-up intervals). I do this in the morning before breakfast. During this time I have been able to move my max heart rate from 132 to 148+. The first several intervals consists of sprinting as fast as I am able to increase the heart rate quickly to 140-145 zone with rest periods determined by heart rate, min 112-115. The last 4-5 intervals I try to push the heart rate to 147-150. In the later intervals I am able to get to the max heart rate faster than earlier intervals; recovery is a bit longer but I don't let the rest period heart rate get below 115.
Other: I do push-ups and ab-crunchs plus do bicep work with 25 lb hand weights. I do this every other day in the evenings for about 30 minutes.
Each time I sprint I let it all hang out and go as long as I physically can as fast as I am able. I mean it's all I can do. Afterwards, the rapid deep breaths just suck in the oxygen. I am left breathing very heavily (I work on taking deep breaths) for 10-15 seconds. By the time I finish the HIIT exercise routine, I am totally drained, wiped out. After cool-down I feel great! I do this daily (mornings) with Saturdays a rest day.
Now my question: why is my weight remaining at the 193-195 lb level? It has been at this level for 4-5 weeks. I'd like to lose 10-15 lbs more but it's not happening. When I first started HIIT I noticed that I noticed that -- to my amazement -- hunger increased; I seldom had hunger pangs with the longer hour exercise. In any case, my diet remained the same: lots of veggies (noon & evening meals) with some fish, turkey, chicken, in at least one meal per day.
I am fairly confident that I am doing HIIT correctly. I give all I can in each interval to achieve max heart rate; there is nothing left. It's VERY intense (for me).
Could this be helped by an increase in protein? I have been looking at purchasing a no-fat, no-carb protein powder (Dymatize ISO 100) with the idea of having a protein drink at breakfast to supplement my normal protein intake. Or am I completely off base?
Other than that, I feel great.