how about this ?

hi i wanted to know if i wanna lose that fat off my belly would i need to change my workout routine or carry on the reps and sets as if i was trying to get big cause im still very skinny :( but i have a very big belly (it can be seen popping out of my clothes ). and i was thinking of doing skipping for about 45 mins a day

also if i eat pasta (veg and meat) everyday for dinner would that be healthly ? am i taking too much calories ?

gunit said:
hi i wanted to know if i wanna lose that fat off my belly would i need to change my workout routine or carry on the reps and sets as if i was trying to get big cause im still very skinny :( but i have a very big belly (it can be seen popping out of my clothes ). and i was thinking of doing skipping for about 45 mins a day

also if i eat pasta (veg and meat) everyday for dinner would that be healthly ? am i taking too much calories ?


Hi Gunit.

One big misconception about reducing fat is a thing called "spot reducing". Putting it simply, what you are wanting to do is reduce the belly which is fat but maintain the larger areas of your body (say arms)

This will not happen.

You either loose fat all around the body, or none at all and actually gain.

All i can suggest is check your diet, make it clean and take advantage of your belly and use it to help you through-out a bulking stage (bulking is gaining mass)

So, go get yourself a routine for bulking, hit the weights and relook at your diet.

Once you have built up the other parts of your body that you wish not to lose mass/size on, then look at reducing your body fat (which in turn will reduce your belly) and also make your hard work shine through (this process is called cutting)

Putting it simply. Do what you are already doing, but dont expect to reduce one area of your body. Look at your belly as a positive thing until you decide to cut.

Also, get your routine checked out, just to ensure you are doing it right and not wasting time.

gunit said:
hi i wanted to know if i wanna lose that fat off my belly would i need to change my workout routine or carry on the reps and sets as if i was trying to get big cause im still very skinny :( but i have a very big belly (it can be seen popping out of my clothes ). and i was thinking of doing skipping for about 45 mins a day

also if i eat pasta (veg and meat) everyday for dinner would that be healthly ? am i taking too much calories ?


Hi Gunit,

One big misconception about reducing fat is a thing called "spot reducing". Putting it simple, what you are wanting to do is reduce the belly which is fat but maintain the larger areas of your body (say arms)

This will not happen.

You either loose fat all around the body, or none at all and actually gain.

All i can suggest is check your diet, make it clean and take advantage of your belly and use it to help you through-out a bulking stage (bulking is gaining mass)

So, go get yourself a routine for bulking, hit the weights and relook at your diet.

Once you have built up the other parts of your body that you wish not to lose mass/size on, then look at reducing your body fat (which in turn will reduce your belly) and also make your hard work shine through (this process is called cutting)

Putting it simply. Do what you are already doing, but dont expect to reduce one area of your body. Look at your belly as a positive thing until you decide to cut.

Also, get your routine checked out, just to ensure you are doing it right and not wasting time.

ive been bulking for 5 months now thats why i have got abit of a belly
im jus wondering if i could put in cardio and lose weight whilst training for hypertrophy

generally the two dont like eachother.. Some can manage, but for most in order to grow you must have a caloric surplus and in order to shed fat, you must have a caloric definciency.. SO.. Not saying it wont work for you, but it is counterintuitive for most.
Well depending on your goals you could do a few things things....

If you want to gain muscle mass fast, forget about loosing the gut now. It's very hard to loose weight, while bulking/ You wont supply your muscles with the calories they need to rebuild themselves.

If you are not in a rush to get big, take a break from bulking, and cut. Cut down on your calorie intake, and do a lot of cardio.

1 last thing you could do is just watch what you're putting in your mouth, you most likely have a slower metabolism, meaning a lot of calories are going to be turned into fat. I need 4000+ calories a day to gain muscle, some only need about 3000, and some need more than 5000....
infact i have a very high metabolism i eat soo much and hardly get fat on my arms only my belly and bum. when i was 14 yrs old i weighed around 80 lb lol now im 16 and weigh 140

i dont wanna cut cause im really skinny right now but the thing is im abit embrassed cause when i put my t-shirt on u can see my chest very clear but u can also see my belly and it ruins the look
you dont want to mass, but you want to get rid of your belly..
Your diet is going to have to sparkle. You might not have a choice regarding the cutting. Some people really have to go all out to lose the gut.
last question

if i decide to cut would my chest look really small, would it still be seen on top of my t-shirt? would i look really skinny ?

cause my chest is the only thing that tells people i workout :( and if it gets small i wont be nothing but a skinny mofo

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its really wierd that your metabolism just decided to fail on you especially now! Usually it slows down after your 20's by 7% every 10 years...
its uncalled for: the only logical explenation-

you changed something major in your diet; or drugs are to blame.

i am not saying you did drugs but i cant understand why your metabolism just "crashed"!

and about cutting and your chest:
it depends on how your cut; i think its a good idea to start HIIT because it shows the best cutting results with an increase in metabolism and minimal muscle loss.

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