Excerpt from Maximum Boost Workout© Book SMR Foam Roll Techniques Page 17:
Self Myofascia Release (SMR) Foam Roll:
Self Myofascia Release - Myo refers to muscle, fascia to the tissue that surrounds the muscle fibers. By applying pressure on tender areas along the muscle tissue, the golgi tendon organs help trigger the relaxation of the muscle spindles, helping to dissipate the adhesions, increase blood flow, and enhance overall movement.
>The foam roll is a great recovery tool for all training programs.
>Correct muscle imbalances
>Prevent injuries through improved muscle extensibility
>Improves postural alignment & hip mobility
>Promote blood circulation
>Foam roll at home & increase muscle recovery and regeneration.
Foam Rolling General Guidelines:
>Perform before & after workouts (including stretches).
>Focus on learning the movement.
>Stay sensitive to each roll & stop rolling when pain is felt.
>Stop & remain on tender area for 20-45 seconds. Rolling will increase tightness and pain.
>Keep your navel draw-in when foam rolling. This will keep your body stabilized throughout movement.
Optimize your body muscle recovery ,regeneration and neuromuscular efficiency.
While performing techniques if a adhesion is located, stop rolling and rest on the tender point until pain decreases by 80%.Foam roll each area for 1-2 minutes.Pace is slow and controlled.
For more information on SMR foam rolling please visit http://www.fitnessfoundry.net
Be well and stay ACTIVE!!
Julio A. Salado, AFAA & NASM C.P.T.
Fitness Foundry designed for healthy living.©
Certified Personal Trainer
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SMR Foam Roll Techniques

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