Olympics:  Canadian Athlete Eric Lamaze Brought back to Life

Olympics: Canadian Athlete Eric Lamaze Brought back to Life

Finally after a long haul of disqualifications for Canadian athlete Eric Lamaze, he finally gets his break at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing by winning the gold. On his horse Hickstead, Lamaze won a jump off against Swedish rider Rolf-Goran Bengtsson to win gold in show jumping, and up the tally of Canadian medals to 15.

Lamaze commented that on the day of the event you just hope that your horse comes through for you, and Hickstead happened to do just that. He said that "he's just one of a kind."

This is Lamaze's second medal of his first Olympic games. Lamaze is also a part of the Canadian Olympic Jumping Team (sliver medallists).

Before entering the Olympics, Lamaze was ranked third in the world. He was one of 10 riders to run clear through the first qualifying round. In the second round he was last to ride and up until his turn, watched rider after rider make mistakes – until Swedish rider Bengtsson had a perfect run.

Lamaze matched Bengtsson and his horse Ninja with a perfect round. Then in the first Olympic jump-off in 24 years, Hickstead cleared everything, while Ninja knocked over a rail and was given 4 faults.

This is a great accomplishment for Lamaze, since he had been previously tested for banned substances in the past on three different occasions. In 1996 when Lamaze qualified for the Canadian Olympic Team, he tested positive for cocaine, and was banned from the team. At the 2000 Games in Sydney, he was suspended for taking cold medicine, and diet pills. He was also tested positive for cocaine again and was banned, however managed to get that overturned.