Vanda is a world known gymnast, and fitness enthousiast. She is an Olympic silver medalist, World bronze medalist, and European gold medalist. She also has been a competitive gymnastics coach for over 13 years. Recently Vanda has introduced her "Inspired by Vanda" programs to promote health and fitness to all. Here is more information on Vanda in a short interview with
1)Next to fitness, what do you love to do in your free-time?
Vanda: You got the question in the right order here, because fitness is what
I like the most, but to answer your question, right now I would enjoy
a little sun on the beach and to just relax.
2)Who is your favorite sports-man?
Vanda: My favorite sport-woman of all time is Legendary Romanian Gymnast,
Nadia Comaneci.
3)What kind of music do you like?
Vanda: I like dance music, latin music, Christian music, and classical. What
I listen to really depends what mood I am in.
4)You are already an Olympic silver medal winner and you still are
very successful, what is your next goal in life?
Vanda: Thank you. Right now I am looking forward to another year of
competing in fitness, and my goal is to retain my title as Ms.
Fitness world. Recently I launched my new website www.inspiredbyvanda.
com, and I would like to build upon that. Also, last summer I opened
my personal fitness studio, and I would like to expand that as much
as I can. I love to help others reach their goals in fitness and
5)Who are the people who supported you the most and to who you are
particularly grateful?
Vanda: First of all I want to thank God for giving me the gifts and the
talent, and for being with me every step of the way. Throughout my
gymnastics career I want to thank my parents for supporting me and
for never pushing me. I would also like to thank all my gymnastics
coaches for believing in me, and of course all my gymnastics friends
with whom I had so much fun through practices, competitions and camps.
Gymnastics was much more fun with my friends beside me.
I started to compete in fitness 4 years ago, and since then I have
had the same great friends and supporters. One of my closest friends
has actually became my business partner.
6)How much do you exercise a day?
Vanda: It really depends where I am in the fitness competition season. I
tend to workout anywhere from 4 to 6 days a week, for about 1 1/2
hours a day.
7)Does your career demand a special diet?
Vanda: I eat healthy all year round. It has just become a lifestyle for me.
I understand how important food is to the body and how it can affect
us positively or negatively. But yes, with the competitions that I
choose to do, I do have to be more careful with what I eat.
8)Which was the most impressive moment of your career?
Vanda: The Olympic Games were by far the most impressive thing to me so far
during my life. I think is pretty hard to top an Olympic medal. I
will always remember my time during the games and how special it was.
9)Did you ever think about giving up your life as a world known
sports woman?
Vanda: I guess I am known for what I have accomplished, but that is just me.
I never intended on any sort of fame to go with it. I am just living
my life, doing what I like to do.
Interview with Vanda - Fitness Enthousiast!

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