Men should be more concerned about prostate health! According to surveys conducted by Health, United States, 2009, 70 percent of men between the ages of 18-44 were less likely than women to visit a doctor in 2007. This could explain the reason why nationwide prostate health statistics are on the rise and top the list of men's health concerns. Prostate issues affect 25 percent of men between the ages of 40 and 60. As age advances, the statistics rise to 70 percent for men over 70 and 80 percent for men over 80, according to the Center for Disease Control.
Are You Prostate Proactive?
This quick checklist will help you know whether it's time to take prostate health more seriously. Ask yourself these questions:
Do you feel as if your bladder has not completely emptied after urinating? Do you find it difficult to control your bladder? Is the time period between urination less than 2 hours? Do you find the need to urinate more frequently during the night, disturbing a good night's sleep? Do you experience weak urinary flow? Do you find yourself pushing or straining to begin a flow? Is the urge to urinate so strong that you often feel you may not reach the restroom in time? Do you experience dribbling after urination? Do you notice any blood in the urine or semen? Do you experience any discomfort during ejaculation? Do you experience frequent stiffness or discomfort in the lower back, hips, upper thighs or rectal area?
If you have answered yes to any one of the above you should visit a doctor immediately. A timely consultation could provide early management of prostate health. The quicker the follow-up the better chances you have enjoying the senior years of your life keeping good prostate health.
Monitoring Changes in Prostate Health
Changes in prostate health may be slow and undetectable. Active surveillance with regular checkups will help you monitor prostate health. If required, the doctor may prescribe medication that would help shrink an aging prostate. However, before taking any medication, you should be aware of any side effects you may experience with such medication. Weigh the pros and cons, check out other options and discuss these with your doctor.
Tips for Supporting Prostate Health
You should enjoy a healthy intake of fruits, vegetables and fiber in your diet. Avoid saturated fats and red meat. Monitor your weight. Prostate health concerns rise in men who are overweight. Ask your doctor about kegel exercises. Take nutritional supplements that support general prostate health.
Nutrition for the Prostate
Beta sitosterol is a phytosterol found in plants. It is available in natural food sources such as soybeans, avocados, and pumpkin seeds. A large body of supportive research shows beta sitosterol has a positive impact on prostate health when administered in clinically relevant doses. Beta sitosterol helps minimize the discomforts associated with an aging prostate and is particularly beneficial in supporting healthy urinary flow and functions.
Super Beta Prostate contains prostate-specific nutrients for supporting the health of the prostate gland. It contains 250 mgs of beta sitosterol (an optimal dosage) combined with 350 mgs of mixed phytosterols. It also contains 12 minerals and vitamins that specifically support men's health. Super Beta Prostate is also certified by Consumer Lab, a third-party lab testing. This seal of approval assures you of a high-quality product that entirely meets with stringent quality standards and label specifications.
Taking a proactive approach to prostate health can make a significant difference in your overall well-being as you age. Start today by making simple yet effective lifestyle changes and considering nutritional supplements like Super Beta Prostate to support your journey toward better health.