
Fitness Expert
Muscle is the most important part of our life. Muscle can be anything in our body: shoulder, biceps, triceps etc. But, why is that so important to us?
The muscle's function is to introduce a force and motion. It's important for us because it gives us the ability to make the movement.

But why is building muscles so important for bodybuilders? Muscles are much more important for bodybuilders because bodybuilders emphasize the shape of the body mainly by muscle.

To build muscles the best way you have to know the 3 most important things as follows:

1) Nutrition: we have to eat well to gain muscles and grow. We have to eat a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, few calories and many vitamins. The quantity of protein we have to eat is 2 grams for every 1 kilograms of our weight everyday. For example: I weigh 70 kilograms, so I have to eat 140 gram of protein everyday.

2) Rest: we have to take a good rest after our workouts, between 7-8 hour at night. Rest is important because in the night when we sleep our muscles grow and many parts from our body grow and gain strength.

3) Workout: we have to do a good workout without any struggle.
The workout must be custom to each individual.

Finally muscles are the most important parts for our body and our life too, so it's important to keep them!