Colon Health and Overall Health

Fitness Expert
The colon may very well be the unsung hero of our body. Sir Arthur Hurst, a twentieth century physician and prominent figure in medicine once said, "No organ in the body is so misunderstood, so slandered and maltreated as the colon." Most people think that the colon is no more than an eliminatory organ-many don't even know what the colon does. Along with the kidney, lymph system, liver, and skin, the colon is an eliminatory organ which helps to clear waste from the body. But did you know that the colon performs vital functions necessary for the body's overall health and wellbeing? The colon establishes a healthy microflora without which proper digestion and absorption of nutrients cannot take place. Along with other important functions, the colon also aids the regulation of cholesterol and glucose levels of the body.

If your colon is not working at optimal level it can cause a number of issues including constipation, which can lead to irritability, headaches, abdominal bloating and gas, dull skin, bad breath and body odor, and a constant feeling of fatigue. Symptoms like the aforementioned are a few examples of how a sluggish colon can affect every day health.

Irregularity in bowel movement has been considered by physicians, throughout history, as an indicative factor of health. Our general well-being, to a large extent, depends on the proper functioning of our digestive system, which is closely related to colon health.1 Do you suffer from bouts of diarrhea or constipation? These can be symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system.

Most of the food that we eat gets digested in the stomach and small intestine. Proper digestion depends on an optimal microflora and pH environment. A balanced intestinal microflora level is maintained by the colon and an optimal pH depends on a balanced intestinal microflora. Probiotics (good bacteria) also help to keep bad bacteria at bay and has been shown to have a positive effect on immune health. 2

The waste that empties into the colon consists of undigested matter, usually the bulk of fiber. Fiber is acted upon by probiotics found in the colon, resulting in fermentation. During this fermentation process, nutrients are produced which aid the liver to perform its function of regulating cholesterol and glucose levels. It is imperative that we include adequate fiber in our diet for the colon to perform these vital functions.

Another vital function of the colon is to eliminate waste from the body. The accumulation of waste matter in the colon, due to constipation, can slow down the absorption of nutrients. It can result in poor skin health, dull looking eyes, and low energy levels. Excess waste can also produce unpleasant breath and body odor. Being fatigued can also lower immune health and leave you vulnerable and at greater risk for infections. Due to the extra load of waste the colon carries due to constipation, it can put a strain on the rest of the body.

People who regularly use herbal colon cleansers have reported that they feel lighter and have noticed improvements in their skin and brightness in their eyes. Herbal colon cleansers, like BeneCleanse, can help purify the colon and also provide a nutritional maintenance program for supporting colon health.

Herbal colon cleansers help to relieve constipation by aiding the body's natural process for waste elimination. They also contain herbs which may help in digestion and establish a healthy microflora. Natural herbal colon cleansers have been reported as a non-addictive, gentle and safe method that can help the body to enhance colon health, boost digestion and eliminate waste from the body. Many people who have used herbal colon cleansers have found relief from constipation, as well as regularity in bowel movements, improved digestion and an overall progression in general health.


1. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl. 1996;216:132-48. Short-chain fatty acids in the human colon: relation to gastrointestinal health and disease. PMID: 8726286.
2. Infection and Immunity. 1973 July; 8(1): 30-35. Effect of Colon Flora and Short-Chain Fatty Acids on Growth In Vitro of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae. Department of Medicine, The Medical College of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129.