Colon Cleansing and Body Odor

Fitness Expert
Have you ever been stuck in the subway or some other close quarters and caught a whiff of something that made you ask yourself, "is that me?" Followed by the subtle sniff test that reassures you it is not actually you who has body odor. You might have asked yourself why some people have a problem with B.O. , while others don't? The answer to this question could surprise you and may help you put an end to the offensive, often embarrassing problem of body odor.

The skin is the largest organ of your body and like the colon, the lungs, the kidneys, and the lymph system, it is an eliminatory organ. It eliminates toxins from the body through perspiration. Perspiration also helps to maintain your body temperature.

An overload of waste in the body can be one reason for body odor. There are other more obvious reasons.

Personal hygiene: Keeping your body clean and wearing clean clothes every day is important in fighting body odor. Perspiration attracts bacteria. As bacteria multiply, they produce sulfur compounds which have a uniquely unpleasant odor. Personal hygiene is key for everyone in order to avoid body odor, if you tend to perspire excessively you should most certainly pay extra attention this and possibly research medical strength, natural deodorant.

Foods You Eat. Your body odor is distinct. It is an accumulative processing of the foods you eat and your body's metabolism. It is true-you are what you eat and what you eat manifests itself in many ways, one of them being, your body odor. Eating certain foods, such as garlic, onions, fish, and red meats, tend to cause a stronger body odor than eating other foods.

If your diet consists mainly of red meat, convenient but not so healthy take-out, processed or junk food with an insufficient amount of vegetables and fruit then you could be at risk for higher waste levels in the body. High levels of stress, alcohol consumption, tobacco, and too much sugar can also affect waste levels. According to the American Dietetic Association, the typical American diet lacks fiber and green leafy vegetables, which often results in frequent bouts of constipation. Constipation, the inability to have regular bowel movements, stores fecal matter in the colon creates an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive in. All of this can result in an overload of waste which your body may not be able to adequately handle. Symptoms could include, abdominal discomfort, bloating, gas, constipation, poor skin tone, a weakened immune system and persistent body odor.

Natural Detoxification
When the body's eliminatory organs are performing optimally, it is able to flush out waste from the body through the kidneys, the colon and the skin. Other organs such as the liver also play a major role in the detoxification process.

Your body naturally rejuvenates itself. It does this in the night when you are at rest and your body is able to focus its energies on rebuilding damaged cells and building new cells. The night is the time when the body repairs itself and recovers from the day's damage. However, when your intestinal tract is overloaded with waste matter, it becomes sluggish and your body might be unable to absorb nutrients to its fullest extent. A malnourished body can affect your body's ability to rejuvenate.

Get Rid of B.O.!
A good, daily exercise program which works out sweat, helps to flush out waste. Eat healthy. Make sure you include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and at least one cup of green leafy vegetables a day. Green leafy vegetables help to detoxify the body and scrub toxins out of tissues and cells. They also contain enzymes which aid in digestion. An adequate amount of fiber is also essential to maintain colon health and regulate natural elimination of wastes.

In addition, to this, regular colon cleansing can help to detoxify the body of waste matter. Herbal colon cleansers contain fiber and other herbs which nutritionally support the colon, liver, kidney and skin to function optimally in eliminating waste from the body. Once your constipation is relieved, the ongoing nutritional maintenance program of a good herbal colon cleanser can nutritionally help to strengthen the function of these eliminatory organs, aiding in natural detoxification of your system. This can help to get rid of the embarrassing body odor and leave you confident in knowing your body is clean on the inside and outside!